The State Administrative Tribunal has found that Moorditch Gurlongga Association Incorporated trading as Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Centre in Thornlie breached regulation 23 (1), “staff supervision of enrolled children”, under the Child Care Services (Child Care) Regulations 2006 with a penalty of $10,000.
A Department of Communities investigation found that a girl aged two years and 11 months had been left unsupervised on the Centre’s 12-seater bus for about one hour and 45 minutes.
The girl was transported on the bus from home to the Centre on the morning of 9 November 2020 and administratively signed into the Centre. The signing in occurred despite the fact the girl was still on the bus.
About 30 to 40 minutes after dropping children off at the service, the bus driver drove the vehicle from the Centre to fill up with fuel, not knowing the girl was still on board. Later that morning, a staff member completed a head count in the Centre and realised the girl was not there. The girl was found on the bus 25 minutes after it returned to the Centre.
The maximum temperature on this day was 18.6 degrees Celsius.
Quotes from Paul Isaachsen, Acting Deputy Director General - Governance, Integrity and Reform, Department of Communities:
“Transportation practices at childcare services must be robust to protect against human error and to ensure thorough checks are undertaken every time children are transported to and from a facility.
“Despite this being the first breach of this nature by the Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Centre, the circumstances that led to a child being left on the bus were not acceptable.
“Being approved to operate a childcare service in Western Australia carries significant responsibilities and obligations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the enrolled children.
“It is important that childcare providers review their transportation policies, procedures, risk assessments and practices to ensure they are adequate, and that staff - including casual and relief staff- are frequently trained in following these policies and procedures. Operators must also have systems in place to monitor that the staff follow the service policies and procedures.”
Media contact: Kaye Hopkins 0466 720 771