The “Become a Foster Carer - Make a difference to a child’s life” campaign highlights the important role of foster and family carers in the wider community.
The campaign will educate the community on the different types of foster caring opportunities and demonstrate how foster caring can suit a wide variety of people and lifestyles.
To increase community awareness of foster caring the advertising campaign will reach the state through social media, metropolitan and regional radio advertising, digital billboards, podcasts and streaming, as well as YouTube and search engine marketing.
Throughout the State there are 2,027 foster carer households that play an important role in supporting children in care to build trust, regain confidence, and heal from their experiences.
Foster and family carers are ordinary people who step up and choose to make a difference for vulnerable children and young people when they need it most.
For more information and to hear the stories of WA foster carers, visit: www.fostercare.wa.gov.au.