Beaufort Inlet fish deaths

Media release
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has been notified of approximately 80 dead fish found on the shores of Beaufort Inlet in the Great Southern.
Last updated:

The inlet is approximately 130km northeast of Albany, and officers from DWER’s Albany office attended the site to collect samples.

Species included bream, whiting and mullet.

DWER Principal Scientist Dr Tim Storer said the officers collected samples for phytoplankton and nutrient analysis.

“Water quality testing on 23 January showed elevated levels of salinity – 85 parts per thousand (PPT). For comparison, typical seawater is 35 PPT,” Dr Storer said.

“While we will conduct further analysis, it is likely that this was the main contributing factor for the fish deaths.”

High temperatures in the shallow water in the Inlet will have also contributed to the fish deaths.

Contact with dead fish should be avoided and the Department of Health advises against eating or handling fish found in these circumstances.

Similarly, people and their pets should avoid contact with water in any areas of algae blooms.

Members of the public are asked to report any fish deaths or fish strandings by ringing the DPIRD Fishwatch hotline(link is external) on 1800 815 507.

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