People aged between 30 and 49 years are now eligible to book their COVID-19 vaccination, with first doses to be administered from Thursday, 10 June.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 and over are also eligible to get vaccinated now, in line with a decision made at National Cabinet last week.
Vaccination bookings are essential and can be made by visiting Roll Up for WA.
People aged between 16-49 years will receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination, and people aged 50 and over will receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination.
Changes to metropolitan community vaccination clinics
The community vaccination clinic at Claremont Showgrounds will be scaled up from Thursday 10 June to cope with the increased demand, opening seven days a week with a new capacity of about 2,000 appointments each day.
From Monday 14 June, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be offered seven days per week at the Claremont Showgrounds community vaccination clinic, while the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine will be administered on Mondays through to Wednesdays. The Redcliffe community vaccination clinic will commence administering both vaccines from 28 June, offering 700 appointments a day.
By the end of the month, more than 30,000 vaccination appointments will be available each week at the four community vaccination clinics, with additional clinics to come online as the take-up increases.
First regional community vaccination clinic
Vaccination clinics in regional areas will also be offering both types of vaccine, with the first regional community vaccination clinic in Bunbury opening this Thursday with the capacity to offer more than 600 appointments.
The Bunbury clinic located at the Bunbury Home Maker Centre will be open 8.30am to 4pm to administer the Pfizer COVID vaccine on Tuesdays to Thursdays and the AstraZeneca appointments will be filled on Mondays and Fridays.
For more information and to book an appointment, visit Roll up for WA or phone 13 COVID (13 268 43)