Additional free RATs for Western Australians

News story
Households can receive up to 15 free individual Rapid Antigen Tests under WA’s Free RAT Program.
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A RAT test

Millions of free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will be given to Western Australians for free as part of the WA Free RAT Program.

WA households can receive up to 15 free individual RATs, with 10 extra tests automatically being delivered to people who previously registered for the first five free tests for their household.

Free RATs will also be on offer at pop-up distributions at public sites, with 500,000 free RATs to be handed out at some train stations, major events, universities and shopping centres in metropolitan and regional locations.

RATs will also be distributed directly to households in remote and town-based communities, and to State Members of Parliament to provide them to constituents in need through their electorate office.

A new pickup site at the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex carpark, located off Sporting Drive, Madeley near the netball courts, will also open from today to Thursday 17 March from 7:00am to 6:45pm to replace the Perth Airport site for RATs previously ordered for collection. 

People who have self-administered a RAT for COVID-19 and tested positive must register their result online (external link) with WA Health.

Those who do not have access to the online registration system must still report their positive test result by contacting 13 COVID (13 26843).

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