$10 million trade training workshop opens at Kalgoorlie TAFE

News story
Students now training in state-of-the-art industry-standard facilities.
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Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Central Regional TAFE's Kalgoorlie campus is now training students in new $10 million state-of-the-art heavy plant workshops, as part of the State Government's historic investment in modern TAFE facilities.

The facility will expand Central Regional TAFE's capacity to train more skilled workers for local jobs, including in the resources sector.

The $10 million upgrades also include the refurbishment of existing workshops at the Kalgoorlie TAFE campus and $2.4 million worth of industry standard training equipment.

Designed by Zuideveld Marchant Hur Architects, the facilities are now providing much needed training for students in the plant mechanics, heavy auto and auto electrical trade disciplines with a dedicated workshop, classrooms and laboratory spaces.

As part of the project, the State Government has delivered computer-based simulators to support training in the areas of electrical engineering and electronics, as well as a range of other equipment to offer a realistic workshop training environment.

Kalgoorlie TAFE campus is a major training delivery location for the Goldfields-Esperance region and delivered publicly funded training to 1,975 students in 2023.

Mining is the top employing industry in Goldfields-Esperance, representing 28 per cent of the region's workforce.

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