Waterwise Schools

Case study 
Last updated:
Waterwise Experience school incursion

This case study relates to Action 12 in the Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise action plan 3.

Water Corporation’s Waterwise Schools Education Program has been recognised for its leadership nationally, with the ‘Waterwise Experience’ school incursion winning the Customer Experience Award at the Australian Water Awards in 2024.

The Waterwise Experience is an interactive, multi-sensory incursion for high school students that is designed to engage and inspire them on the topic of water sustainability. Using silent disco technology, the students are led through three engaging narratives to learn that water is a finite resource we need to protect and use sustainably.

For more than 25 years, the Waterwise Schools Education Program has been teaching our next generation of waterwise champions. The program educates students about Perth’s water supply, water conservation and water in Aboriginal culture. We are well on our way to achieving our Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan target of reaching 50,000 students per year by 2030, with a record 42,350 Perth school children participating in the program in 2022–23.

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