Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP)

Provision of equipment and home modifications to people with long-term health, disability or age-related functional impairment.
Last updated:

The Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) provides an equitable and accessible scheme for the provision of equipment and home modifications to benefit people with long term health, disability or age-related functional impairment living at home.

All CAEP funded equipment and home modifications are provided to enhance the function, independence and safety of the equipment user; and to assist unpaid carers in their caring role.

Step-by-step guidelines for accessing CAEP

Step 1: Fill out the CAEP Referral Form

Ask your health professional (e.g., GP or an Allied Health Professional) to check your eligibility and refer you to your local CAEP Service Provider.

Your health professional will complete the CAEP Referral Form and locate your CAEP Service Provider.

The Referral Information Kit will assist your health professional in determining your eligibility.

Step 2: Locate the local CAEP Service Provider

You or your health professional can identify your CAEP Service Provider by locating your postcode in the Postcode Listings document.

Step 3: Find the contact details for your CAEP Service Provider and send the CAEP Referral Form to them

You or your health professional can find contact details for your identified CAEP Service Provider in the Postcode Listings document.

The CAEP Referral Form is sent directly to the CAEP Service Provider.

You may wish to contact your CAEP Service Provider to make sure the CAEP Referral Form has been received and to find out the next step.

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