Make a foreign buyers duty enquiry

Make an online enquiry about foreign transfer duty or foreign landholder duty.
Last updated:

RevenueWA will be closed from COB Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January.

See our December eNewsletter for information about how the closedown period may affect you.

Foreign buyers duty imposes additional duty of 7% on the dutiable value for certain transactions and landholder acquisitions involving foreign persons or entities acquiring residential property in Western Australia.

Any person acquiring an interest in land or in a landholder in Western Australia must submit a declaration form.

Enquiry typeInstructions
To find information about foreign buyers duty

See our:

To let us know you are acquiring an interest in landComplete and submit the foreign transfer duty declaration form
To let us know you are acquiring an interest in a landholderComplete and submit the foreign landholder duty declaration form
To apply for a reassessment because of substantial development or subdivision of residential property

Complete and submit:

To let us know the foreign status of the purchaser has changedComplete and submit the change in foreign status form
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