Make a Water and Environmental Regulation payment

Details of how to make payment to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
Last updated:

Pay online

3D Secure is an added security to our BPoint Facility, please do not proceed with payment unless your credit card has been enrolled for 3DS secure with your bank. You must enrol your credit card first before proceeding with online payment.

Secure credit card payments can be made online through BPOINT:


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Pay by direct deposit (EFT)

Payments can be made by EFT to:

  • Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Acc name: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
  • BSB: 066 040
  • Account number: 18300113

Please include your name and quote the invoice, infringement or application number as the payment reference.

Send a remittance advice to

Pay by post

Payments can be made by cheque to:

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Locked Bag 10
Joondalup DC

Please include your name and quote; the invoice, infringement, or application number, as the payment reference.

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