The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) regulates the transportation of controlled waste on roads in Western Australia (WA) by administering the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004 (the Regulations) under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
The Regulations provide for the licensing of carriers, drivers and vehicles transporting controlled waste on a road in WA. Under the Regulations, obligations also exist for controlled waste holders, transit facilities and waste facilities. You can find copies of Acts of Parliament and subsidiary legislation on the Western Australian Legislation website.
General information on the department’s regulatory role and timeframes for assessments and determinations is outlined in our Regulatory services fact sheet.
We administer an electronic Controlled Waste Tracking System to facilitate the tracking of controlled waste on a road in WA. You can access the Controlled Waste Tracking System here:
Controlled Waste Tracking System
Discharges or spills of controlled waste from a premises, vehicle or tank can be reported to the department’s Pollution Watch service.
Controlled waste types and categorisation
Show moreControlled wastes are listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations. The information provided in our guidance documents will help you determine what is controlled waste and how to categorise controlled waste.
Fact sheet: What is controlled waste?
Controlled waste category list
Guideline: Waste categorisation of controlled waste
Fact sheet: Paintback and the transport of liquid waste paint
Fact sheet: Controlled waste - asbestos
Fact sheet: Transporting used tyres
Fact sheet: Transporting anything other than controlled waste
Controlled waste carriers
Show moreCarriers transporting controlled waste on a road in WA have statutory obligations under the Regulations. Our fact sheet, Requirements of controlled waste carriers provides information on these obligations and the requirements to hold a licence to transport bulk and packaged controlled waste.
Application for a controlled waste carrier licence
If you transport controlled waste on a road in WA, you are required to hold a controlled waste carrier licence issued under the Regulations. To assist in determining the type of controlled waste carrier licence you require, complete and submit application Form CW4 - Application enquiry for becoming a controlled waste carrier.
Once you have received a response to your application enquiry form, you will be advised of the next steps and may apply for a controlled waste carrier licence by completing and submitting application Form CW1 - Application for a controlled waste licence. Depending on the type of controlled waste carrier licence you are applying for, applications for drivers and vehicles and/or tanks used to transport controlled waste may also apply. Refer to the fact sheet Requirements of controlled waste carriers for further information.
Amendment to a controlled waste carrier licence
If any of your controlled waste licence details have changed, you intend to transport types of controlled waste you are not currently licensed for, or for any other types of amendments to your licence, you will need to complete and submit application Form CW8 - Amendment to controlled waste carrier or vehicle licence.
Application to transfer controlled waste carrier, vehicle or tank licence to new owner
If you are a licensed controlled waste carrier and have or intend to sell or otherwise dispose of your business, vehicle or tank to another person, the controlled waste carrier and/or bulk vehicle/tank licence may be transferred to the new owner. An application to transfer a controlled waste licence must be made in writing, within 30 days of the date of sale. To apply to transfer a controlled waste carrier or bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank licence, the new owner/operator will need to complete and submit application Form CW21 - Application to transfer controlled waste carrier licence and/or Form CW10 - Application for transfer of controlled waste vehicle/tank licence to assignee.
Controlled waste drivers
Show moreDrivers transporting controlled waste on a road in WA have statutory obligations under the Regulations. Our fact sheets, Requirements of bulk controlled waste drivers and Requirements of packaged controlled waste drivers provide guidance on these obligations and the requirement to hold a licence when transporting bulk controlled waste.
How to apply for a licence as a driver to transport bulk controlled waste
A person employed or engaged by a carrier to transport bulk controlled waste on a road in WA must hold a valid controlled waste driver licence issued under the Regulations.
The driver information package for transportation of bulk controlled waste provides information for persons seeking to transport bulk controlled waste on a road in WA. Persons seeking to become licensed as a bulk controlled waste driver must:
- read the Driver information package for transportation of bulk controlled waste guideline
- complete the assessment in Appendix C – Bulk controlled waste driver written assessment, of the Driver information package for transportation of bulk controlled waste guideline
- complete Form CW2: Application for bulk controlled waste driver licence and submit together with the written assessment (from Appendix C) by email to
Driver identification cards
Licensed controlled waste drivers are issued with a bulk driver identification card that they must carry with them when transporting controlled waste on a road in WA. Requests to replace lost or stolen bulk controlled waste driver identification cards must be made in writing to and include your full name, address and licence number.
Amendment to a controlled waste driver licence
If you hold a controlled waste driver’s licence and any of your licence details have changed or for any other types of amendments to your licence, you will need to complete and submit application Form CW9 - Amendment to a controlled waste driver licence.
Drivers transporting packaged controlled waste
Drivers transporting packaged controlled waste operate under a controlled waste carrier licence and are listed in the Controlled Waste Tracking System to facilitate electronic controlled waste tracking. The information recorded in the Controlled Waste Tracking System includes the driver’s motor vehicle licence number, address and contact telephone number.
A licensed controlled waste carrier can apply to list drivers they employ or engage to transport packaged controlled waste under the controlled waste carrier licence by completing and submitting application Form CW6 - List of drivers transporting packaged controlled waste.
Notification of a change of driver’s employer
When a bulk or packaged controlled waste driver is entered onto the Controlled Waste Tracking System, they are listed with the carrier company they are employed or engaged by. When a driver changes employment to work for a different controlled waste carrier, the driver’s employment details need to be updated.
To notify a change in employer details, complete and submit application Form CW7 - Notification of change of driver's employer.
Controlled waste vehicles and tanks
Show moreVehicles and tanks transporting controlled waste on a road in WA have statutory obligations under the Regulations. Our fact sheets, Bulk controlled waste vehicles and tanks and Packaged controlled waste vehicles provide guidance on these obligations and the requirement for a vehicle or tank to hold a licence when transporting bulk controlled waste.
Vehicles and tanks transporting bulk controlled waste
A vehicle or tank transporting bulk controlled waste on a road in WA must hold a valid controlled waste vehicle/tank licence issued under the Regulations. Tanks that are removable and can be attached to more than one vehicle or trailer may need to display a unique tank identification number, issued by the department.
To apply for a bulk controlled waste vehicle/tank licence (includes dangerous goods licensed vehicles/tanks) complete and submit application Form CW3 - Application to license a vehicle/tank to transport controlled waste.
If your vehicle or tank is licensed under the Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007, you do not need to hold a controlled waste vehicle or tank licence or pay the prescribed controlled waste licence fee. You will need to supply a copy of the relevant dangerous goods licence when completing the application form.
Vehicle identification cards
Licensed controlled waste vehicles or tanks are issued with a bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank identification card, that must accompany the vehicle or tank when it is transporting controlled waste on a road in WA. Requests to replace lost or stolen bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank identification cards must be made in writing by email to and include the carrier’s name, address and licence number.
Amendment to a controlled waste carrier or vehicle licence
If you hold a controlled waste licence and any of your licence details have changed, you intend to transport types of controlled waste you are not currently licensed for, or any other types of amendments to your licence, you will need to complete and submit application Form CW8 - Amendment to controlled waste carrier or vehicle licence.
Vehicles and trailers used to transport packaged controlled waste
Vehicles and trailers transporting packaged controlled waste operate under a controlled waste carrier licence and are listed in the Controlled Waste Tracking System to facilitate electronic controlled waste tracking. The information entered into the Controlled Waste Tracking System includes the vehicle/trailer registration number, make, model and carrying capacity. You can apply to list vehicles and trailers transporting packaged controlled waste under your controlled waste carrier licence by completing and submitting application Form CW5 - List of vehicles(s) or trailer(s) used to transport packaged controlled waste.
Application to transfer a bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank licence to new owner
If you are a licensed controlled waste carrier and have or intend to sell or otherwise dispose of your business, vehicle or tank to another person, the bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank licence may be transferred to the new owner. An application to transfer a controlled waste licence must be made in writing, within 30 days of the date of sale. To apply to transfer a bulk controlled waste vehicle or tank licence, complete and submit application Form CW10 - Application for transfer of controlled waste vehicle/tank licence to assignee.
Application to transport anything other than a controlled waste in a licensed controlled waste vehicle or tank
If you hold a controlled waste vehicle or tank licence and intend to transport anything other than a controlled waste in the licensed vehicle or tank, complete and submit application Form CW24 - Application to transport anything other than a controlled waste in a licensed controlled waste vehicle or tank.
Waste holders
Show moreA waste holder has statutory obligations under the Regulations. A waste holder is a person who is in possession or control of a controlled waste on a premises, or whose apparatus or activities produce controlled waste.
Our fact sheet, Requirements of waste holders provides guidance on the statutory obligations of a waste holder. A waste holder is responsible for providing information relating to their controlled waste, including the type, amount, containment type and physical state. Refer to our publications under Controlled waste types and categorisation.
Waste facilities and transit facilities
Show moreA waste facility and transit facility are defined under r.3 of the Regulations. Occupiers of a waste facility and transit facility have statutory obligations under the Regulations. Our fact sheets Controlled waste facilities and Controlled waste transit facilities provide guidance on these obligations.
If you are a waste facility and/or transit facility intending to store, treat, reuse or dispose of a controlled waste, you must meet the definition of a waste facility or transit facility in the Regulations. To be listed in the Controlled Waste Tracking System, complete and submit Form CW14 - Application to list a waste facility or transit facility in the Controlled Waste Tracking System.
If you have a waste facility or transit facility listing in the Controlled Waste Tracking System, you can request to amend your profile in the system, including amendments to contact details, your approval or authorisation to operate the facility, types of controlled waste received at the facility or any other types of amendments. Complete and submit Form CW25 - Application to amend a waste facility or transit facility in the Controlled Waste Tracking System. If a waste facility or transit facility is sold to new owners or occupiers, an amendment to an existing profile may not apply. If the new owner or occupier has a different Australian Company Number (ACN) and/or Australian Business Number (ABN), you should apply to create a new listing in the Controlled Waste Tracking System.
Controlled waste tracking
Show moreUnder the Regulations, all loads of bulk controlled waste (regardless of the amount), and all loads of packaged controlled waste equal to or greater than 200 kilograms or litres, must be accompanied by a controlled waste tracking form from the point of generation to unloading at a lawful waste facility. Our fact sheet Controlled waste tracking provides guidance on the statutory obligations of controlled waste tracking.
We provide access to the Controlled Waste Tracking System to carriers, drivers, waste facilities and transit facilities. If you are granted access to the Controlled Waste Tracking System, we provide a username and password to you or your nominated representative(s) to access your profile in the system. To request access to the Controlled Waste Tracking System, complete and submit application Form CW11 - Controlled Waste Tracking System access form - Industry.
An agency agreement may be required if you would like a representative from another company or business to have access to your Controlled Waste Tracking System profile. This may be required to facilitate entry of controlled waste tracking information from persons employed at related and/or subsidiary companies/businesses. Complete and submit application Form CW12 - Controlled Waste Tracking System agency agreement.
You may also apply to have a second carrier profile in the Controlled Waste Tracking System (also referred to as a child profile), in circumstances where your company has offices in different locations (e.g. a head office in Perth and a second office in Karratha). Complete and submit Form CW16 - Application for secondary carrier profile in the Controlled Waste Tracking System.
Controlled waste tracking user guides
We have created user guides to help you navigate and perform functions on the Controlled Waste Tracking System.
If you are a carrier, please refer to our Controlled Waste Tracking System general user guide – carriers.
If you are a waste facility, please refer to our Controlled Waste Tracking System general user guide - waste facilities.
Paper controlled waste tracking form book request
The department utilises the electronic Controlled Waste Tracking System as the primary means for tracking controlled waste. In limited circumstances, paper controlled waste tracking forms may be used. If you are a licensed controlled waste carrier, you may request a paper controlled waste tracking form book. Complete and submit the application Form CW20 - Paper Controlled waste tracking form book request. Please refer to the fees for a booklet of paper tracking fees prior to submitting the request form.
Controlled waste attachment form
When using a controlled waste tracking form, the number of waste collections may exceed the number of available collection lines available on the form. In this circumstance you may use Form CW15 - Controlled waste attachment form. The attachment form can only be used with a valid controlled waste tracking form.
Non-conforming load of controlled waste
Matters including where controlled waste characteristics, the controlled waste category and/or the amount of controlled waste has been incorrectly described on a controlled waste tracking form, other discrepancies or a load of controlled waste is not accompanied by a controlled waste tracking form may be reported to the department by completing and submitting Form CW19 - Notification of non-conforming load.
Interstate transport of controlled waste
Show moreThe department reviews requests to transport controlled waste into and out of WA. If you intend to transport controlled waste into Western Australia, you will need to apply for a consignment authorisation by completing and submitting application Form CW17 - Application for a Consignment authorisation to transport controlled waste into Western Australia. If you are a waste transporter and hold a valid licence or authorisation issued by another jurisdiction within Australia and intend on transporting controlled waste into WA you need to complete and submit Form CW26 - Application to list an interstate controlled waste carrier in the Controlled Waste Tracking System.
When you transport controlled waste out of WA you need to apply to the relevant environmental agency in the receiving state or territory. If you intend to transport controlled waste out of WA to another state or territory, contact us for further information at
More information on the movement of controlled waste between States and Territories is available at National Environment Protection (Movement of Controlled Waste between States and Territories) Measure.
Fact sheets and guidance
Show moreFact sheet: What is controlled waste?
Fact sheet: Requirements of waste holders
Fact sheet: Controlled waste tracking
Fact sheet: Requirements of controlled waste carriers
Fact sheet: Requirements of bulk controlled waste drivers
Fact sheet: Requirements of packaged controlled waste drivers
Fact sheet: Bulk controlled waste vehicles and tanks
Fact sheet: Packaged controlled waste vehicles
Fact sheet: Controlled waste facilities
Fact sheet: Controlled waste transit facilities
Fact sheet: Controlled waste exemption
Fact sheet: Paintback and the transport of liquid waste paint
Fact sheet: Controlled waste - asbestos
Fact sheet: Transporting used tyres
Fact sheet: Transporting anything other than controlled waste
Fees and how to pay a fee
Show moreSchedule 3 of the Regulations sets out the statutory fees associated with licence and controlled waste tracking form numbers issued under the Regulations.
Payments of prescribed fees can be made by:
- EFT/bank transfer
- BPoint secure credit card payment online
- mail - Cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Water and Environment Regulation.
Visit our website for information on how to make a payment.
Where relevant, our application forms also provide information on payment methods. Please ensure your payment includes a reference, applicant or licence holder name, contact telephone number and if relevant, invoice number.
Fees prescribed in Schedule 3 of the Regulations
Type of fee | Period |
Fee ($) |
Licence as a carrier (r4.4(1)) | One year | 225.00 |
Three years | 555.00 | |
Five years | 885.00 | |
Licence as a driver (r.4(1), 20(1)) | One year | 225.00 |
Three years | 555.00 | |
Five years | 885.00 | |
Licence for a vehicle or tank (r.4(1)) | One year | 225.00 |
Three years | 555.00 | |
Five years | 885.00 | |
Renewal of licence as a carrier (r.9(1)) | One year | 165.00 |
Three years | 495.00 | |
Five years | 825.00 | |
Renewal of licence as a driver (r.9(1)) | One year | 60.00 |
Three years | 180.00 | |
Five years | 300.00 | |
Renewal of licence for a vehicle or tank (r.9(1)) | One year | 60.00 |
Three years | 180.00 | |
Five years | 300.00 | |
Application for a condition of a licence to be changed or removed (r.6(5)) | 105.00 | |
Application for a transfer of licence (r.25C(2)) | 105.00 | |
Controlled waste tracking number issued electronically on or after 16 April 2017 | 44.00 | |
Controlled waste tracking number issued other than electronically on or after 16 April 2017 | 57.50 |
Controlled waste exemptions
Show moreRegulation 49 of the Regulations states that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the department may, by written notice, exempt a person from compliance with any, or all, of the Regulations in Parts 2 and 3 if the CEO is satisfied that the circumstances in which the exemption is requested are justifiable and accountable, and the exemption will not adversely affect the operation of these Regulations.
Further information regarding exemptions is available in the Controlled waste exemptions fact sheet. To apply for an exemption, complete and submit Form CW23 - Application for exemption under Regulation 49.
Current exemptions issues under r.49 of the Regulations
Exemption number | Person notice issued to | Date issued | Expiry date | Exemption notice |
CWE03/2024 | Regional Power Corporation | 31 October 2024 | 30 October 2027 | CWE03/2024 Regional Power Corporation exemption notice |
CWE04/2024 | Rotary Club of Swan Districts Inc. | 30 October 2024 | 29 October 2027 | CWE04/2024 Rotary Club of Swan Districts Inc. exemption notice |
CWE05/2024 | Western Australia Police Force | 20 September 2024 | 20 September 2027 | CWE05/2024 Western Australia Police Force exemption notice |
CWE04/2023 | Brightwater Care Group Limited | 29 September 2023 | 28 September 2026 | CWE04/2023 Brightwater Care Group Limited notice (PDF) |
CWE03/2023 | Electricity Networks Corporation | 22 June 2023 | 30 June 2026 | CWE03/2023 Electricity Networks Corporation exemption notice (PDF) |
CWE01/2023 | CITIC Pacific Mining Management Pty Ltd | 20 April 2023 | 31 March 2026 | CWE01/2023 CITIC Pacific Mining Management Pty Ltd notice (PDF) |
CWE19/2022 | Home Link, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital | 24 November 2022 | 30 November 2025 | CWE19/2022 Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital exemption notice (PDF) |
CWE18/2022 | Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd | 27 October 2022 | 16 September 2025 | CWE18/2022 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd exemption notice |
CWE17/2022 | Water Corporation | 4 July 2022 | 30 June 2025 | CWE17/2022 Water Corporation exemption notice |
CWE14/2022 | View Health Pty Ltd | 11 May 2022 | 15 April 2025 | CWE14/2022 View Health Pty Ltd (PDF) |
Review of the Regulations
Show moreYou can find out more about our review of the Regulations and associated consultation summary report.
Annual aggregated data
Show moreInformation on Australia’s hazardous wastes, including hazardous waste generation data is available from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.