Cockburn Cement Limited (CCL)
CCL's cement and lime manufacturing plant in Munster has been licensed (L4533/1967/15(link is external)) under Part V, Division 3 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) since 1987.
To investigate the extent of dust and odour issues, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) and CCL have implemented several programs in the Cockburn Area, including:
- Community Odour and Dust Monitoring Program (CODMP)
- Odour Patrol Programs
- Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Program
- Dust Sampling Program.
The key findings of these investigations are:
- CCL has been confirmed as one of several odour sources impacting the community.
- There are several dust sources impacting the community, making it difficult to clearly identify the specific sources.
A works approval was granted in August 2021, which allowed CCL to undertake shell sand feed diversion trials in its Kiln 6 pre-heater tower, aimed at reducing odour emissions from Kiln 6. Feed diversion trials were undertaken in 2022–23. The works approval expired in May 2023 with CCL submitting a report to the department on the results of the trials. The department completed a detailed scientific review of CCL’s report on the feed diversion trials and has continued to engage with CCL on next steps for feed diversion and a strategy for addressing odour emissions.
In November 2023, a works approval was granted allowing CCL to establish infrastructure to process lime kiln dust (LKD) from kiln 5 and kiln 6 into small spheres by adding water and agitating (prilling) the material. The prilling is intended to reduce the dustiness of LKD and dust emissions from the LKD disposal area. CCL has constructed the infrastructure and is currently preparing for its commissioning. The works approval was recently amended (August 2024) to allow CCL to continue commissioning the infrastructure under time-limited operations.
In February 2024, CCL applied for a licence amendment to extend the duration of its licence by 12 months. The department granted an amended licence in March 2024, with changes to the licence limited only to extending its expiry from 30 March 2024 to 30 March 2025 and an administrative update to its registered business address.
In its application, CCL provided information on the preliminary actions it was undertaking in relation to odour investigations and potential control options. These were further outlined in the Amendment Report for the amended licence. The department considered these actions, and that CCL and the department are actively engaging on the short, medium and long-term strategy for addressing odour emissions from the premises.
A copy of the 19 March 2024 Amendment Report(link is external) is available.
What is happening now?
Show moreLicence amendment application – odour reduction strategy
As part of its odour strategy, CCL applied for an amendment to its licence in August 2024 requesting the temporary operation of shell sand feed diversion for further trials and monitoring to affirm the effectiveness of feed diversion in reducing odour. CCL also requested to:
- remove conditions relating to kiln 3 and 4 from the licence as these kilns have been decommissioned and removed from site
- extend the licence duration by a further 12 months, with a new proposed expiry date of 30 March 2026, to provide time to affirm the effectiveness of feed diversion and to finalise its odour reduction strategy for the premises.
The application proposed that the feed diversion trial be operated during weather conditions that historically have shown to cause odour complaints in the community.
CCL provided further information on its broader odour strategy which includes:
- research into alternative odour reduction options, to inform an odour options assessment report which is to be completed following the results of the feed diversion trial over the summer of 2024–25
- a site improvement strategy including the phasing out of the use of coal by the end of 2024 and movement of cement manufacturing to the CCL Kwinana facility when expansion works are complete
- placement of kiln 5 into care and maintenance (since May 2024)
- a lime strategy which includes investigating options for the decommissioning of kiln 5, a significant source of odour
- a community and stakeholder engagement strategy including community forums and the creation of a better complaints and feedback process
- the completion of a premises odour reduction strategy for presentation to the department and the community.
The department advertised the licence amendment application for public comment and wrote to more than 300 direct-interest stakeholders. Thirty submissions were received, which the department has carefully considered in finalising its assessment of the application. The department extends its appreciation to all those who provided a submission.
As a result of its assessment, the department granted an amended licence to CCL on 16 December 2024. The conditions of the amended licence are open to appeal for a 21-day period, with a copy of the amended licence, associated amendment report and guidance for lodging appeals available on the department’s website(link is external).
Upon application assessment, the department determined the following outcomes and conditions for the amended licence:
- Authorisation of feed diversion trials on Kiln 6 until 30 April 2025, subject to a comprehensive stack, process and field-based monitoring program. The trials enable CCL to collect more data to further scientifically demonstrate whether feed diversion is effective in reducing odours.
- A requirement for CCL to provide the department with a weekly report on feed diversion trials in the preceding week, including monitoring data and complaints data. This will allow the department to closely monitor trial progress and aid in odour complaint investigation during the trial period.
- A requirement for CCL to submit an updated odour reduction strategy in mid-2025, which is timed with several milestone updates and business decisions expected from CCL under its current odour strategy, summarised above.
- A requirement for CCL to publish the updated odour reduction strategy (once completed) on its website, to increase public transparency on progress.
- A 12-month extension of the licence duration, which allows time for CCL to complete feed diversion trials, report to the department and inform next steps reducing odour emissions.
- Removing kilns 3 and 4 and associated conditions from the licence, as these two kilns have been demolished.
Enforcement action
On 9 March 2023, CCL was fined $290,000 after being found guilty of allowing unreasonable emissions (odour) from its premises in Munster on six occasions between January and April 2019. Details of the prosecution can be found on the department's announcements page.
The Court was satisfied that the odour experienced by nearby residents was unreasonable and that CCL was the source of the odour. The prosecution followed several years of investigations by the department into ongoing complaints about odour and dust in the Cockburn area.
On 5 April 2023, CCL appealed the conviction and sentence relating to the 2019 charges in the Supreme Court. On 8 September 2023, the Supreme Court upheld the convictions but reduced the fine from $290,000 to $245,000.
Following further investigations by the department into odour complaints, in January 2022 the department initiated a second prosecution against CCL relating to unreasonable emissions (odour). These charges relate to emissions which are alleged to have occurred between January and April 2020.
Compliance and complaints
Investigation of odour
Between September and December 2024, the department conducted a program to identify whether there were any other odour sources contributing to the issues experienced by the community. This program is now complete, and no other sources of odour have been identified.
The department will continue to investigate ongoing reports of odour in the local community and, where appropriate, will take further action to address any ongoing unreasonable odour impacts.
The department aims to achieve the best outcome for everyone in the community and reduce these odours. Community residents are reminded that it is important to immediately report odour and dust impacts at the time that they occur by calling the Environment Watch Hotline on 1300 784 782. The online reporting form can be used to lodge complaints after the impact has occurred. For odour, go to the odour reporting webpage. For dust, go to the dust reporting webpage.
More information
Show moreThe department will update this page as new information comes to hand.
The Department of Health has published information including frequently asked questions in relation to air pollution and health associated with emissions from Cockburn Cement. Go to general information(link is external) and the frequently asked questions(link is external).