Appeals to the Contaminated Sites Committee

Process for assessing and determining appeals and applications submitted to the Committee.
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The process for assessing and determining appeals and applications submitted to the Committee is governed by the Contaminated Sites Act 2003(link is external) and the Contaminated Sites Regulations 2006(link is external).

A person lodging an appeal will be required to provide the Committee with grounds of appeal in writing and any additional information to support the case.   

The Committee will seek written advice or information in relation to the issues raised in the appeals from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and from any other person it considers necessary to consult in order to make the decision.   

The Committee will endeavour to deal with the appeal as quickly as possible having regard for procedural fairness and the substantial merits of the case. The Committee is not bound by the rules of evidence.

After assessing all of the information in support of the appeal, the Committee may:

  • affirm the classification, decision or requirement appealed against
  • substitute or vary the classification, decision or requirement appealed against
  • set aside the classification, decision or requirement and make a decision the Committee thinks just.

In all cases the Committee will provide the appellant, the CEO of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and any other affected party with written notification of its decision. The decision is then published on the Committee's Appeals decisions webpage. 

Read more about how to appeal against a contaminated site classification decision or appeal against contaminated sites investigation or clean up notices

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