Early Changes to the Standards for RTOs webinar

This webinar provides guidance to RTOs on the early changes to the Standards for RTOs which were implemented 1 March 2024.
Last updated:

This webinar will explore the early changes to the Standards for RTOs 2015.  These changes include:

  • expand the use of industry experts to also deliver training alongside trainers and assessors;
  • strengthening integrity by clarifying RTOs’ obligations around fit and proper persons;
  • enabling people to actively work towards a Cert IV or Diploma from the TAE training package;
  • incorporating TAE Training Package updates into the Standards and Schedule 1;
  • recognising those with education degrees within the VET Sector; and
  • ensuring consistency between the Assessor Skill Set and the VET Delivered to School Students Teacher Enhancement Skill Set.

Presenter: Russell Docking (Delivered 13 March 2024)

Session length: 45 minutes

Webinar handout: Participant Handouts and Chat/Comment Box from Webinar 


There were a number of links mentioned throughout the webinar which are provided below: