Make a discrimination, harassment or victimisation complaint

Complaints must be in writing - you can make a complaint online using the form below, download the pdf complaint form and fill it out to email it or print it to post it.
Last updated:

Complete the form below to submit your complaint online.  You can outline the details and attach any relevant documents.

To learn more about making a complaint read our Complaints Process Fact Sheet.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt, followed by advice whether your complaint is within the jurisdiction of the Commission and how it will proceed.  A complaint under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 needs to have a ground and relevant area of public life as outlined below.

You may lodge a complaint in a language other than English on any of our forms.  We will arrange for translation.

Note: You must lodge your complaint within 12 months of the discrimination. If your complaint is more than 12 months old, it will only be investigated if you can satisfy the Commissioner that there is good cause why it should be investigated.

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