Applications for the grant closed on 14 April 2021.
To be eligible, you must meet all criteria and upload all supporting documents through the Online Services Portal by 30 June 2025.
RevenueWA administers the grant on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. The Commonwealth Department of Treasury is responsible for setting the scheme’s eligibility criteria. Please contact the Commonwealth Minister for Housing, the Hon Julie Collins MP, if you have concerns about the eligibility criteria.
About the grant
Show moreThe Australian Government HomeBuilder grant is available to eligible owner-occupiers who enter into a contract to:
- build a new home or
- substantially renovate an existing home or
- purchase a new home off-the-plan.
The amount of the grant is:
- $25,000 for a contract signed between 4 June and 31 December 2020 (inclusive)
- $15,000 for a contract signed between 1 January and 31 March 2021 (inclusive).
The builder or developer must have a valid licence or registration:
- before 4 June 2020 for a contract signed before 29 November 2020 or
- before 29 November 2020 for a contract signed on or after 29 November 2020.
Applications for the grant closed on 14 April 2021.
The HomeBuilder grant is administered by RevenueWA, with funding provided by the Australian Government.
Full details about the grant, including a fact sheet containing examples, and responses to frequently asked questions, is available at
This grant is different to the Western Australian Building Bonus grant and has different eligibility criteria and cut-off dates.
- If you receive the HomeBuilder grant, you may still be eligible to receive the Building Bonus grant.
- You may also be eligible to receive the first home owner grant.
Construction commencement
Show moreConstruction must commence within 18 months of the contract being signed. This time has been extended from six months – see the Commonwealth Treasurer’s media statement (17 April 2021).
- For new builds, construction commences when significant earthworks, excavations or physical building works commence. Preparatory works such as site clearing, fencing, markings or delivery of building products will not be considered to be commencement of construction.
- For relocatable or modular homes that are built or assembled in a different location (such as a builder’s factory or warehouse), construction is taken to have commenced when the cement (or equivalent) foundations are poured or assembled, or the build or assembly of the home has commenced.
- You must provide evidence that construction has commenced. This may include a declaration from your builder.
Land ownership
Show moreYou must be the registered owner of the vacant land on which the home will be built.
- If you are buying vacant land with a building contract and the certificate of title for the land has not been issued at the date the building contract is signed, it must be issued in your name by the date that the foundations are laid (no later than 30 June 2025).
- If you are buying a new home off-the-plan, you must be registered on the certificate of title as the owner of the property by 30 June 2025.
- If you are in the process of subdividing your own land and are building a new home, the grant will be paid after foundations are laid on the proposed vacant lot if you provide evidence to show that the new land survey plan and certificates of title will be issued in your name (no later than 30 June 2025). For example, evidence of the Western Australian Planning Commission conditional approval on the proposed plan and lots.
Alternative contracts
Show moreCost plus contracts
If you enter into a cost plus contract where payment to the builder is based on the actual cost of the works plus a fee, you will need to show that the scope of works under the contract covers the building of the home from inception to completion.
We will not be able to determine whether you have met the Australian Government’s property value cap until the home is completed and the value of the completed home is known. You will need to provide evidence once the home is completed that the value cap has been met before we will pay the grant.
You can upload the supporting documents through the Online Services Portal when they are available but before 30 June 2025.
Replacement contracts
You are not eligible for the grant if your contract is a replacement of a building contract dated prior to 4 June 2020.
If you entered into a building contract between 4 June 2020 and 31 March 2021 and your builder has entered administration, receivership or liquidation, or is the subject of enforcement action by a regulatory body (for example, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission), we will consider a replacement contract with a different builder. In these circumstances:
- you must have already applied for the grant by 14 April 2021
- the replacement contract must be for the same or similar scope as the original contract
- construction must commence within 18 months of the date you entered into the replacement contract and
- you must lay your foundations and upload all required evidence by 30 June 2025.
Supporting documents
Show moreIf you are building a new home
- A copy of the Certificate of Title
- A copy of the schedule of particulars of the contract up to and including the special conditions and signature page signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 March 2021
- A copy of birth certificate, Australian Citizenship certificate or current Australian passport
- A copy of the latest Notice of Assessment issued by the Australian Taxation Office for 2018-19 or 2019-20 (if available) for each applicant, or evidence of nil tax return or non-lodgment advice if not required to lodge a tax return with your Tax File Number (TFN) crossed out
- A copy of contract of sale if less than 12 months from date of application. If more than 12 months, a copy of valuation from a bank or licenced independent valuer
- A copy of invoices and receipts showing that first progress payment has been made to the builder under the contract
- Evidence of when construction commenced (statement or other evidence from builder)
- Evidence of laying of foundations (photograph of the foundations and invoice from builder/contractor)
- A copy of the builder’s registration/licence
- If there is a relationship between the applicant(s) and builder, a declaration clarifying that the parties dealt with each other at arm’s length, freely and independently of each other and without influence
If you are renovating an existing home
- A copy of the Certificate of Title
- A copy of building contract for substantial renovations signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 March 2021
- A copy of birth certificate, Australian Citizenship certificate or current Australian passport
- A copy of the latest Notice of Assessment issued by the Australian Taxation Office for 2018-19 or 2019-20 (if available) for each applicant, or evidence of nil tax return or non-lodgment advice if not required to lodge a tax return with your Tax File Number (TFN) crossed out
- A copy of contract of sale if less than 12 months from date of application. If more than 12 months, a copy of valuation from a bank or licenced independent valuer
- Evidence of construction having commenced (i.e. first invoice issued for work carried out under the renovation contract)
- A copy of invoices and receipts to show that at least $150,000 has been paid to the builder at the time of making this application
- If there is a relationship between the applicant(s) and builder, a declaration clarifying that the parties dealt with each other at arm’s length, freely and independently of each other and without influence
If you are buying off-the-plan
- A copy of the Certificate of Title
- A copy of the schedule of particulars of the contract up to and including the special conditions and signature page signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 March 2021
- A copy of birth certificate, Australian Citizenship certificate or current Australian passport
- A copy of the latest Notice of Assessment issued by the Australian Taxation Office for 2018-19 or 2019-20 (if available) for each applicant, or evidence of nil tax return or non-lodgment advice if not required to lodge a tax return with your Tax File Number (TFN) crossed out
- Evidence of when construction commenced (statement from builder that significant earthworks, excavations or physical building works have commenced)
- Evidence of laying of foundations (invoices from builder/contractor)
- A copy of the builder’s registration/licence
- If there is a relationship between the applicant(s) and builder, a declaration clarifying that the parties dealt with each other at arm’s length, freely and independently of each other and without influence
How and when to apply
Show moreApplications for the grant closed on 14 April 2021.
You must upload all your supporting documents by 30 June 2025.
A full list of the required supporting documents was outlined in the application form. If you lodged an application but still need to provide supporting documents:
- Log in to the Online Services Portal
- Under 'Our Services' select 'First Home Owner and Builder Grants'
- Under 'Grants and Subsidies' select 'Add Information'
- Upload required documents.
When payment will be made
Show moreThe grant will be paid to eligible applicants according to the type of build:
- For new homes – once foundations are laid.
- For relocatable or modular homes - when the home is delivered to site.
- For substantial renovations – after construction has commenced and at least $150,000 of the contract price has been paid in respect of the renovation.
- For off-the-plan purchases – after all applicants’ names are registered on the title.
The grant will be paid to all registered owners unless written authorisation to pay a third party is provided by all owners.
Complete this form if you need to notify us of a change of bank details to receive your payment.