Eligible households will receive a $700 electricity credit.
- If you were registered for ECES on or before 17 June 2024 - you don't need to apply for the credit. We will pay it directly into your nominated bank account.
- If you were eligible for ECES on 17 June 2024 but not registered - register before 31 March 2025 and provide a copy of an invoice for your electricity costs covering 17 June 2024. Once registered, we will pay the credit directly into your nominated bank account.
- If you become eligible for ECES after 17 June 2024 - you must apply separately for the credit.
See information about how to apply.
RevenueWA pays certain households an annual subsidy to assist with electricity costs.
If you are directly billed by Synergy, Horizon Power, BHP or Rio Tinto, please contact them to discuss your eligibility for concessions or rebates.
The Energy Concession Extension Scheme includes the Energy Assistance Payment, and in certain cases a Dependent Child Rebate and/or an Air Conditioning Rebate.
To be eligible for the Energy Assistance Payment from RevenueWA, you must reside in a dwelling where you are charged for your electricity use by a supplier other than Synergy, Horizon Power, BHP or Rio Tinto and you or a household member has a:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Health Care Card
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card or
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
A Western Australian Seniors card is not an eligible card.
If you are a tenant leasing a residence, you must have been living there for at least three months or have a lease agreement for a minimum of three months.
- Electricity costs must be charged based on your actual, or reasonable estimate of, your electricity use.
- Lease agreements that charge an all-inclusive rate without apportioning any cost, or only a nominal cost, to electricity use do not meet the eligibility criteria for the Energy Assistance Payment.
Dependent Child Rebate
This rebate is calculated according to the number of dependent children associated with the concession card living in the household.
You must hold one of the following concession cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Health Care Card or
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
Air Conditioning Rebate
This payment subsidises the cost of operating an air conditioner if you reside in one of the specified eligible towns and have air conditioning installed at the residence. You must either:
- be eligible for the Dependent Child Rebate or
- hold a WA Seniors Card and a Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
If you receive the Energy Assistance Payment, Dependent Child Rebate and/or the Air Conditioning Rebate, you can nominate another person to act on your behalf. Complete the authorised representative nomination form.
Examples of eligible households
Show moreCommon examples of households with concession cards eligible for the Energy Assistance Payment:
- You are invoiced for your electricity costs direct from an energy company other than Synergy or Horizon Power, such as Perth Energy, WinConnect or Alinta Sales.
- You reside in an apartment, retirement village or caravan park (as a long-stay resident) where management invoice you for your electricity costs.
- You reside on a multi-dwelling lot such as a granny flat or dual key residence and your electricity costs are on-charged to you based on your proportionate use.
- You reside in accommodation with shared facilities and you are charged a separate utility cost that includes your proportionate electricity use. The owner cannot also reside at the property.
- In certain circumstances, you reside in a dwelling where you incur costs for generating your own electricity off-the-grid.
Payment amounts
Show morePayment will be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly into an Australian bank account you nominate when you apply.
If you are eligible to receive the Energy Assistance Payment and another subsidy, the payment will be made as a single amount.
If you need to change your nominated account, complete the change of bank details form.
If the nominated bank account details you provide are incorrect resulting in payment to an incorrect account, RevenueWA will attempt to recover the funds. If recovery of the payment is unsuccessful, you will not be entitled to a duplicate payment.
Payment type | Payment amount |
Energy Assistance Payment | $334.49 |
Dependent Child Rebate | $351.72 for one child $92.16 for each additional child (capped at four dependent children) |
Air Conditioning Rebate | $70.05 per month x number of eligible months for your locality |
How to apply
Show moreApply using our online application form.
If you can't apply online, contact us on 08 9262 1486.
You must authorise us to confirm the status of your concession card with Services Australia, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the Department for Communities. You may also need to authorise us to confirm energy usage and supply at your residential address.
RevenueWA may decline an application (or require repayment of any concession already paid) if the Commissioner is of the reasonable opinion that false or misleading information has been provided, or if the eligibility criteria have not been met. You may seek a review of this decision.
What you need when applying
Show moreType of information | Details |
Concession card |
Electricity account |
Residential lease | If applicable:
Bank account | The following information must be as it appears on your bank statement for an Australian cheque or savings account.
If the nominated bank account details you provide are incorrect resulting in payment to an incorrect account, RevenueWA will attempt to recover the funds. If recovery of the payment is unsuccessful, you will not be entitled to a duplicate payment. |
Renewing your application
Show moreYour entitlement to the Energy Assistance Payment is reviewed annually on your anniversary date. Your anniversary date is the date your application is lodged.
We will contact you each year before your anniversary date. You must ensure we have your correct contact details so you receive your renewal notification.
When you receive the notification, review your details and let us know any changes to your circumstances or details. Once we confirm your entitlement, we'll process your payment. We will contact you if we need further information from you.
Eligible towns for Air Conditioning Rebate
Show moreThe rebate amount varies depending on the location and is calculated at the time of application. The rebate amount is multiplied by the number of eligible months for that location.
Town / Area | Months |
Ajana | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Ambania | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Ardyaloon | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Arrino | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Arrowsmith East | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Balgo | 6 (Oct - Mar) |
Ballidu | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Bayulu | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Beacon | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Beagle Bay | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Bencubbin | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Bidyadanga | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Binnu | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Blackstone | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Bowgada | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Broome | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Bundanoon | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Buntine | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Burringurrah | 5 (Nov - Mar) |
Cadoux | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Camballin | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Cape Range NP | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Carnamah | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Carnarvon | 3 (Jan - Mar) |
Cherrabun | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Coorow | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Coral Bay | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Cue | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Dalwallinu | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Dampier | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Dartmoor | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Dawul | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Denham | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Derby | 9 (Sept - May) |
Dindiloa | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Djarindjin | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Durawah | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
East Nabawa | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
East Yuna | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Eneabba | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Eradu | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Eradu South | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Exmouth | 6 (Nov - Apr) |
Fitzroy Crossing | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Gabbin | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Gascoyne Junction | 5 (Nov - Mar) |
Glenhill | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Gutha | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Halls Creek | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Hickety | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Holmwood | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Ikewa | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Jameson | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Jigalong | 5 (Nov - Mar) |
Kadathinni | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Kalannie | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Kalumburu | 10 (Aug - May) |
Karijini NP | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Karratha | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Kingsford | 3 (Jan - Mar) |
Kiwirrkurra | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Koolanooka | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Koorda | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Kununurra | 9 (Sept - May) |
La Grange | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Lake Argyle | 9 (Sept - May) |
Latham | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Laverton | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Learmonth | 6 (Nov - Apr) |
Leinster | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Leonora | 3 (Jan - Mar) |
Lockier | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Lombadina | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Marble Bar | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Marrah | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Meekatharra | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Menzies | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Millstream | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Mingenew | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Morawa | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Mount Magnet | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Mount Margaret | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Mullewa | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Muludja | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Nabawa | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Nangetty | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Naraling | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Newman | 5 (Nov - Mar) |
Nolba | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
North Eradu | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Northern Gully | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Nullagine | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Nunierra | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
One Arm Point | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Onslow | 6 (Nov - Apr) |
Oombulgurri | 10 (Aug - May) |
Pannawonica | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Paraburdoo | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Perenjori | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Pindar | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Pintharuka | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Pithara | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Point Samson | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Port Hedland | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Redbank | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Rockwell | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Roebourne | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Sandstone | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
South Hedland | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
South Yuna | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Strelley River | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Tardun | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Three Springs | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Tjirrkarli | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Tjukurla | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Tom Price | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Useless Loop | 2 (Jan - Feb) |
Valentine | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wananami | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Wanarn | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wandana | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wangkatjungka | 8 (Sept - Apr) |
Warakurna | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Warburton | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Warmun | 9 (Sept - May) |
West Casuarinas | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wicherina | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wickham | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Wilroy | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wiluna | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Winchester | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wingelina | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wittenoom | 5 (Nov - Mar) |
Womarden | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wongoondy | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wubin | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Wyndham | 10 (Aug - May) |
Yalgoo | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Yandanooka | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Yandeyarra | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Yarragadee | 3 (Dec - Feb) |
Yule River | 7 (Oct - Apr) |
Yuna | 4 (Dec - Mar) |
Yungngora | 8 (Sept - Apr) |