Have your say on regulation

Share your ideas on how we can improve regulation and regulatory practice in WA.
Last updated:

Have you got an idea to improve regulation and make it easier to do business in WA?

Please send your ideas by submitting the form.

What are we looking for?

Issues that meet the following should be submitted:

  • relates to existing regulation and regulatory processes implemented by the State Government?; and
  • may be prevalent in more than one government agency?; and
  • is not being addressed by existing government initiatives; and
  • make it easier to do business in Western Australia.

Eligible ideas will be treated as public documents and may be published on our website.

You may choose for your name and contact details to be removed before publishing. Ideas received from government agencies and representative organisations will be published with name and contact details displayed.

Individuals who don’t want their ideas to be published, should mark it as confidential.

Streamline WA reserves the right to not publish any material that could be regarded as racially vilifying, derogatory or defamatory to an individual or an organisation.

What happens to your ideas? 

They are assessed and eligible ideas used to inform whole of government reforms. Those ideas that are not progressed under Streamline WA may be referred to a government agency for consideration. You may be contacted for further information.

View past submissions.

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