Home Find an agency Swan River Trust Swan River Trust We provide independent strategic advice to the Minister for Environment and the Director General of Parks and Wildlife on matters affecting the rivers. Last updated: 12 August 2019 Services Our services Ministerial reporting Hon Reece Whitby MLA Minister for Energy; Environment; Climate Action Contact Address: 17 Dick Perry Avenue Technology Park Western Precinct KENSINGTON WA 6151 Telephone: 61 8 9219 9000 Email: rivers.info@dbca.wa.gov.au Swan River Trust website Share Facebook share(Opens in a new tab/window) Twitter(Opens in a new tab/window) LinkedIn(Opens in a new tab/window) Copy URL
Address: 17 Dick Perry Avenue Technology Park Western Precinct KENSINGTON WA 6151 Telephone: 61 8 9219 9000 Email: rivers.info@dbca.wa.gov.au Swan River Trust website