State Records Office of Western Australia
What we do
Established under the State Records Act 2000, the State Records Office is part of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and supports the State Records Commission in its statutory role under the Act.
By supporting our public sector colleagues in WA we seek to achieve a secure and discoverable record of government that is valued by our community and used to create a legacy for current and future generations of Western Australians.
Ministerial reporting
Hon Simone McGurk BA(Arts) BA(Comms) MLA
Make a Freedom of Information request
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1992, the public can apply for the right to access documents held by the State Records Office and the State Records Commission. Details of how to apply, the types of information held by the State Records Office and the State Records Commission and how it can be accessed can be found on the Freedom of Information page.