Owner-builder approval

Application for owner-builder approval.
Last updated:
We are currently experiencing a high volume of owner-builder approval applications.

Our team is diligently working to ensure each application is processed as soon as possible.

We apologise for any delays and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

If you have any urgent inquiries or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our licensing team on 1300 489 099 or email ownerbuilders@demirs.wa.gov.au

Owner-builder approval

If you are thinking about owner-building your own home or small commercial building, you will need to have been granted owner-builder approval from the Building Services Board before you can be granted a building permit from your local government authority.

Owner-builder approvals can only be issued to individuals and not to corporate bodies or trusts.

Owner-builders can carry out the following types of building work on their property:

  • Construct a detached dwelling, including a granny flat.
  • Carry out additions and alterations to an existing free standing dwelling.
  • Construct a non-habitable building such as a private garage, carport, shed or the like.
  • Construct or make additions and alterations to small commercial building – being a one or two story building with a floor space of less than 500m2 that is not a detached house, Class 10 building or farm building.
    • Please Note: The 500mfloor area is calculated on the floor area of the whole building not a section of a building.

To obtain an owner-builder approval you must:

  • be the owner of the land; or
  • be leasing the land where the terms of the lease allow the lessee to undertake building work without the consent of each person whose name is registered as a proprietor of the land; or
  • have an interest in the land as purchaser under a contract to purchase an estate in fee simple.


  • intend to reside, occupy or use the land on which the building work is to be carried out when the building work is completed.

Becoming an owner-builder

To become an owner-builder, you must first obtain owner-builder approval from the Building Services Board, and then a building permit from your local government.

When applying you must show that you have sufficient knowledge of the duties and responsibilities involved in being an owner-builder. This can be done by:

  • completing an owner-builder course;
  • being registered as a building practitioner;
  • being registered in the building industry (e.g. registered architects, registered building surveyors, registered building engineers, etc); or
  • previous registration as a building practitioner or in the building industry within the last five years.

To apply, complete and submit an owner-builder approval application form and pay the application fee. Fees are updated on 1 July each year.

How to apply


Owner-Builder Approval online submission

By Post, or In Person.

If applying in person or by post your application also needs to be accompanied by a completed application payment form.

Details of how to apply in person or by post are included on the application form.

All applications must be made on a fully completed application form which can be found here:  

Applications made using the previous version of Form 75 (in the name of Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety) will only be accepted up until 23 March 2025.  Applications received on the old versions of forms will not be accepted after 23 March 2025 and will be sent back to the applicant. 

Should you have any queries regarding your application please contact 1300 489 099.

Application fee

Current application fees for owner builders can be found in the fee schedule.

An application fee is payable at the time of lodging an application. The application fee is non-refundable and GST is not payable.

Time frame for application processing

Most applications are determined within six weeks. You can assist us to keep processing times as low as possible by:

  • Checking that you have attached all the required information, and have completed the application form in full, before submitting.
  • Submitting using the online option.
  • Allowing enough time for processing of your application before contacting us for an update.
  • Licensing officers will contact you if any additional information is needed to finalise your application.

Restrictions on building as an owner-builder

Once your owner-builder approval has been issued, you must apply for a building permit from your local permit authority within six months.  If you do not, your owner-builder approval will expire.

Only one owner-build each 6-year period

You are only able to apply for an owner-build once every six years if you have previously been granted a building permit as an owner-builder.

A waiver may be granted on the six-year provision in circumstances where:

  • hardship would be suffered if the application for owner-builder approval was refused, or
  • the new building permit will be for the same land as the previously granted permit/approval.

You may apply for waiver of the six-year restriction by lodging an application and completing the waiver section of the application form for owner-builder approval form.

Owner builder responsibilities

Details on responsibilities of an owner-builder


Before taking on a building project as an owner-builder you should be aware that owner-builders take on many of the responsibilities of a registered builder. These responsibilities include:

  • complying with all building standards including the Building Code of Australia and safety regulations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020;
  • obtaining permits, submitting notices and meeting other requirements of the Building Services Acts; and
  • managing and supervising the entire building project from start to finish.

The statutory responsibilities of an owner-builder cannot be delegated, no matter who is employed or contracted to carry out the work.

Carrying out and supervising the building work

Owner-builders are responsible for the supervision of the building work.  Owner-builders may choose to undertake all or part of the building work themselves except where licensed tradespersons such as electricians and plumbers are required by law, or to engage a registered builder to oversee part or all of the building work.

Please note that contracting out any of the work does not lessen an owner-builder’s responsibility.

Selling your home

If you decide to sell your owner-built home within seven years of your building permit being issued, you must provide the purchaser with home indemnity insurance. You may be responsible for rectifying any faults identified by the purchaser after sale.

Home indemnity insurance

When is home indemnity insurance required?

Owner-builders are responsible for the building work carried out for a minimum of seven years. If the owner-builder sells the home within seven years from the date of a building permit being issued, they are required under the Home Building Contracts Act 1991 to have in place a policy of home indemnity insurance that covers subsequent owners if problems with the building develop and the owner-builder is unable or fails to rectify faulty or unsatisfactory workmanship due to disappearance, death or insolvency.

The home indemnity insurance policy must cover the purchaser of the home and subsequent owners for the remainder of the seven year period.

All residential building work valued over $20,000 must be covered by home indemnity insurance, however home indemnity insurance is not required for 'associated work', such as building only a pergola, fence or swimming pool.

Home indemnity insurance can be obtained by contacting an approved insurance provider.

Approved owner builder home indemnity insurance providers:

Assetinsure Pty Ltd (via Australian Owner Builder Insurance Services Pty Ltd)
Phone: 1300 850 131

QBE Insurance (Australia) Pty Ltd
Phone: 133 723

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