Motor vehicle dealer licensing

For applications regarding motor vehicle yard managers, salespersons or dealers.
Last updated:

Applications for motor vehicle dealer licensing

A motor vehicle dealer is someone who:

  • carries on the business of buying or selling vehicles; or a financier; or a car hire operator.
  • sells or exchanges four or more vehicles in any 12 month period to or with persons who are not dealers.

Types of motor vehicle dealers

There are three types of licence for motor vehicle dealing.

Motor Vehicle Dealer's Licence

In order to carry out motor vehicle dealing in Western Australia a person must have a motor vehicle dealer's licence.

Dealing in motor vehicles means:

  • carrying on any class or description of business of buying or selling vehicles
  • acting as an agent for other people in relation to buying or selling motor vehicles, (including selling by auction)
  • acting as a financier for the purpose of buying or selling cars
  • operating a car rental business.

Motor vehicle yard manager's licence

A "Yard Manager" is someone who is employed or engaged by or on behalf of a dealer to manage or supervise that dealer's business of buying or selling vehicles at one of the dealer's premises.

Motor vehicle salesperson's licence

A "Salesperson" is someone who is employed or engaged by or on behalf of a dealer in the buying or selling of motor vehicles other than in the capacity of yard manager.

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