Science of sleep/Yawning signs

This campaign introduces a strong education element with Professor Peter Eastwood, Sleep Science Expert, on the impact that fatigue has on driving – slower reactions and decisions; decrease tolerance for other road users; poor lane tracking and decreasing alertness.
Last updated:

Metropolitan Perth key message: Everybody has different sleep requirements. Know how much sleep you need – and get it regularly.

Regional key message: 80% of fatigue related crashes are on country roads. Plan ahead and get at least 7 and a half hours sleep before you drive, take breaks and swap drivers regularly.

In 2021-22 the campaign ran pre-holiday periods across state-wide media, including television, on-demand TV, radio, digital and social media, and roadside billboards.

Science of sleep – metro TVC(link is external)

Science of sleep – regional TVC(link is external)

Radio(link is external)

Science of Sleep/Fatigue social media assets

Social media post imageSocial post text
A man surrounded by medical equipment

Headline: Arm yourself against fatigue.

Primary Text: Know the amount of sleep you need and get it regularly

A car on a busy road veering into the wrong lane, about to crash

Headline:  Fatigue results in poor lane tracking.

Primary Text: Fatigue can induce microsleep, which increases the risk of a crash.

A man yawning behind the wheel of a car

Headline: Fatigue can cause microsleep.

Primary Text: Plan to get at least 7.5 hours sleep before driving.

A car crashing into a tree on a regional road

Headline: 80% of fatigue related crashes are on country roads

Primary Text: Take a break every 2 hours and where possible swap drivers regularly.

A man yawning behind the wheel of a car

Headline: Don't ignore the yawning signs.

Primary Text: Lack of sleep slows reactions and decisions while driving.

Science of Sleep video

Science of sleep/Fatigue banners and posters

Don't ignore the Yawning Signs 3x1 Horizontal Banner

Don't Ignore the Yawning Signs A1 Poster V1

Don't Ignore the Yawning Signs A1 Poster V2

Don't Ignore the Yawning Signs Pull up Banner

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