More road rules and penalties

Merging, following distances, crossing continuous lines, keeping left, headlights, U-Turns, pilot vehicles and roundabouts
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See below for information about road rules and penalties not listed on our Sharing the Road or Driver Behaviour pages. 

Merging and changing lanes

Where two lanes merge into one, the vehicle in front has right of way

If there are multiple marked lanes, and one ends, give way to the vehicles in the lane you are moving into.


  • Always use your indicator to signal your intentions to other drivers when merging.
  • Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you and take turns to merge if there are long lines of merging traffic.
  • Try to match the legal speed of the road you’re merging into, but don’t speed up to get your vehicle ahead of others.
Failing to give way when merging$1002
Failing to give way when changing lanes$1003

Quizzes and informative videos on merging and other road safety topics can be found on our Get Streetwise website. 

Following distances

A safe following distance depends on your speed, the weather, road conditions and the type of vehicle you are driving.

In good conditions, you should drive at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.

To determine the two seconds:

  • Watch the vehicle in front as it passes a landmark, such as a tree, sign, power pole or overpass.
  • As it passes the landmark, start counting ‘one thousand and one, one thousand and two’ (this takes about two seconds).
  • If you pass the landmark before you finish counting to two seconds, you’re too close.

It is important to increase your following distance if the weather or road conditions are poor, driving a heavy vehicle or towing a trailer.

If the vehicle in front of you is a truck or road train, be aware that it will take longer to slow down than a light vehicle.

Turning your headlight onto high beam is not permitted if you’re driving less than 200m behind a vehicle, and if an oncoming vehicle is less than 200m away.

Failing to follow a vehicle at a safe distance$2002
Inappropriate use of headlights/fog lights$1001

Quizzes and informative videos safe following distances and other road safety topics can be found on our Get Streetwise website. 

Pilot vehicles

Pilot vehicles provide a warning to motorists that there is an oversize vehicle on the road.

An oversize vehicle requires a greater distance to stop than a standard car and requires more room on the road when travelling and making turns.

To keep our roads safe pilots’ direct motorists verbally or by hand signals. Pilot vehicles display a bright yellow "oversize load ahead" sign and either one or two amber flashing lights on the roof of their car.

When you see a pilot vehicle, remember to:

  • slow down;
  • move over or off the road;
  • follow the pilot vehicle driver's directions; and
  • be patient.
Offence Penalty Demerits
Failure to follow a pilot vehicle driver’s direction  $100 3

Please visit the Main Roads WA website for more information on heavy vehicle pilot vehicles.

Crossing Continuous Lines

It's usually dangerous to cross a continuous line marked on the road. You can only do so under certain circumstances to avoid a penalty.

There are three types of single continuous lines:

  • Edge lines are used to mark the edge of the road. You can only cross over an edge line when entering or leaving the road, passing a vehicle on the left, turning right, making a U-turn, or stopping.
  • Lane lines are used to define multiple lanes travelling in the same direction. If the lane line is continuous, do not cross the line to change lanes.
  • Centre dividing lines are used to separate lanes travelling in different directions. If the centre dividing lines are continuous, do not cross that line unless you are turning right, making a U-turn or need to avoid an obstruction and have a clear view of any approaching traffic. The same applies if there is a continuous line on the left of a broken or dotted centre line. 
Crossing the edge line of a road.$100 
Crossing a continuous lane line when changing lanes.$1002
Crossing a continuous centre line.$1503

Quizzes and informative videos on crossing continuous lines can be found on our Get Streetwise website.

Keeping Left

On single lane roads, you must drive as far to the left as practicable (except motorcyclists).

On multi-lane roads if the speed limit is 90km/h or more you must drive in the left lane. This same rule applies to any road where there is a ‘keep left unless overtaking’ sign.

On these roads you can only drive in the right-hand lane where:

  • you’re turning right or making a U-turn;
  • you’re overtaking;
  • the left lane is a special purpose lane, e.g. bus lane, bicycle lane;
  • the left lane is a turning lane and you are going straight ahead;
  • you’re avoiding an obstruction; or
  • the other lanes are congested with traffic.
Failing to keep left in a multi-lane road.$502

Quizzes and informative videos on keeping left, and other road safety topics can be found on our Get Streetwise website.

Headlights and Fog Lights

High beam lights are not permitted if you’re driving less than 200m behind a vehicle.

Daytime running lights

Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) are headlights that are illuminated during the day to make vehicles more visible.

DRLs have been shown to improve vehicle visibility and estimation of distance resulting in reduced crash rates.

High Beam Lights

High beam lights are not permitted:

  • if you’re driving less than 200m behind a vehicle.
  • if an oncoming vehicle is less than 200m or has its headlights dipped.

Fog Lights

Fog lights can be used in foggy conditions, dust storms or heavy rain. But do not drive with both headlights and fog lights at the same time. In foggy conditions:

  • drive slowly;
  • turn on windshield wipers;
  • don’t use high beam headlights.

Driving a motor vehicle with both headlights and fog lights operating is an offence.

A person should not drive a motor vehicle displaying light from a front fog light or lights, if any other light greater than 7 watts and capable of showing white light to the front, is alight.

Fog lights should only be used with side or parking lights in adverse weather conditions.

Offences and Penalties

Offence Penalty Demerits
Inappropriate use of headlights / high beams / fog lights $100 1



When you can and cannot make a U-turn.

When making a U-turn, you must:

  • ensure it can be done safely;
  • use your indicator to signal your intentions to other drivers; and
  • give way to all other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians on the road you are turning into.

You MUST NOT make a U-turn:

  • when you do not have a clear view of approaching traffic;
  • it interferes with other traffic;
  • at traffic lights unless there is a ‘U-turn permitted’ sign;
  • where there is a ‘no U-turn’ sign;
  • on freeways, including on and off ramps.
Making a U-turn where not permitted.$1002
Failing to give way when making a U-turn.$1003

Quizzes and informative videos on U-turns and other road safety topics can be found on our Get Streetwise website.


When entering a roundabout, always give way to any vehicles already in the roundabout. Obey the directional arrows on the road.

Turning left

  • On approach, indicate left from the left lane.
  • Stay in the left lane.
  • Exit the roundabout from this lane.

Driving straight ahead

  • You do not need to indicate on approach.
  • Enter either the left or right lane.
  • Stay in and exit from the same lane.
  • If practicable, indicate left when you’ve passed the last exit before the one you intend to use.

Turning right or making a full turn

  • On approach, indicate right from the right lane.
  • Stay in the right lane and exit the roundabout from this lane.
  • If practicable, indicate left when you’ve passed the last exit before the one you intend to use.

Cyclists and roundabouts

Motorists entering a roundabout, please be aware of cyclists. While in the roundabout, don’t try to squeeze past or overtake them

Offences and penalties

Failing to give way at a roundabout$1503
All other offences for not using a roundabout correctly$1002

Quizzes and videos on roundabouts and other road safety topics can be found on our Get Streetwise website.

Road rules for animals, including horses and animal drawn vehicles

Animals and animal drawn vehicles, including horse riders and horse carriage drivers, are subject to many of the same road rules as vehicles.

Animals and animal drawn vehicles, including horses, are treated in the same way as other vehicles under the Road Traffic Code 2000, which means that almost all road rules that apply to cars or bicycles will also apply to horse riders and carriage drivers. This includes common rules such as:

  • Obeying traffic signs, such as Give Way signs, Stop signs, or No Entry signs.
  • Obeying all traffic lights and road markings.
  • Giving way to pedestrians.
  • Other road rules as appropriate.
  • It is illegal to ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol to the extent as to be unable to properly control the animal.
  • It is illegal to ride or drive an animal recklessly.

To find out more about road rules specific to horse riders and carriage drivers, have a look at our fact sheet Road rules for horse riders and animal drawn vehicles

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