Driving Change for Safer Roads

The Driving Change Road Safety Strategy 2020-2030 recognises that we all have a role to play to make every journey safe. At its core are five priorities – The Road Safety Framework.
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a child on a bike, a motorcyclist, car driver, and truck driver are all different types of road users

The Road Safety Framework

While it is not possible to prevent all crashes, this framework aims to prevent serious injury or death by seeking to manage the interaction between road users, roads and roadsides, travel speeds and vehicles.

We all have a role to play to make every journey safe. This includes engineers building better roads. vehicle designers making safer cars, health professionals providing ongoing post-crash care, and all road users (not just motorists) being responsible and not taking risks on the road.

to drive change, we need safer vehicles, roads, and road users

We accept some crashes will always occur – but this doesn’t mean we have to accept death or serious injury on our roads.

Explore the links below on how Safe Vehicles, Safe Road Users, Safe Roads. Safe Speeds, and Post-crash care work together to help make every journey safe.