Safe cycling
Whether you are riding as a commuter, on a group ride or as a family for recreation, cyclists are among our most vulnerable road users. Between 2016 and 2020, 507 cyclists were killed or seriously injured in collisions with motor vehicles on WA roads. The following advice is a guide on how to stay safe while on your bike.
- Be seen by drivers and other road users in hours of darkness or bad weather. Although not mandatory, cyclists should wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing to increase visibility.
- Wear a helmet. Helmets are compulsory in WA and must meet an approved standard. For more information on helmet standards, see the Helmet standards section below.
- Lights and reflectors on your bike are mandatory if you ride at night or in any weather conditions that reduce visibility. This includes a flashing or steady white light on the front of the bicycle and a flashing or steady red light on the rear of the bicycle that needs to be clearly visible for at least 200 metres. A red reflector is required on the rear of the bicycle that is visible for at least 50m when light is projected onto it by a vehicle’s headlight on low beam. You need two yellow side reflectors on each wheel and yellow pedal reflectors on both sides of each pedal.
- Ride to conditions, slow down in wet weather and allow enough distance to brake. Monitor your speed, as riding too fast can put you and others at risk. If overtaking pedestrians or other cyclists leave a safe distance and enough time to pass.
Helmet standards
Cyclists and eRiders must wear a helmet while riding. When choosing a helmet, make sure it is an 'approved' helmet that meets legal standards. Approved helmets carry a sticker or label certifying they have passed stringent safety tests. When choosing a helmet, look for labels similar to those below.
WA adopted new bicycle helmet standards from 3 July 2024. Helmets must now comply with one of the Australian or overseas standards outlined below:
- AS/NZS 2063:2008 Bicycle helmets (Australian standard)
- AS/NZS 2063:2020 Helmets for use on bicycles and wheeled recreation devices (Australian standard)
- EN 1078:2012+A1:2012, Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates (European standard)
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (16 C.F.R. Part 1203) Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets (American standard)
- ASTM F1447-18 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating (American standard)
- Snell B-95, 1995 Bicycle Helmet Standard, 1998 revision, Standard for Protective Headgear for Use in Bicycling (Snell standard).
Some bicycle helmet standards are being phased out, and are only approved to be used until 22 September 2025:
- AS/NZS 2063:1996 (Standards Australia)
- Standard B-95 (the Snell Memorial Foundation)
- Standard B-95A (the Snell Memorial Foundation
- Standard B-95C (the Snell Memorial Foundation).
Sharing roads and footpaths
Cycling on the road
- Cyclists can ride two abreast on the road, with up to 1.5m between riders.
- It is illegal to ride less than 2m behind a vehicle.
- Cyclists cannot pass on the left of a vehicle that is turning left.
- Cyclists are not permitted to ride their bikes on freeways or in pedestrian malls.
- Cyclists can use the left lane of a roundabout when turning right, but must give way to vehicles exiting a roundabout.
Sharing footpaths
- Cyclists of all ages may ride on footpaths in WA, unless otherwise signed.
- Cyclists must ride in single file on footpaths.
- Pedestrians, including mobility scooters and motorised wheelchair users, always have right of way.
- Cyclists should use their bell to alert other shared path users that a bicycle is approaching.
- Cyclists should use their bell to alert pedestrians/mobility scooter operators/motorised wheelchair users that a bicycle is approaching.
- Drivers must give way to cyclists at driveways, but cyclists should slow down to ensure they have been seen.
- Animals must not be tied to a moving bike.
- Animals and children on footpaths can be unpredictable. Cyclists should slow and cycle to the conditions.
- Cyclists and eRiders no longer need to dismount at pedestrian crossings and can simply ride across. This new rule applies when the rider enters the crossing from the connected path and not the road. Riders must not exceed 10km/h and give way to any pedestrians when riding over the crossing.
For information about motorists' obligations towards cyclists and related offences and penalties, see our page on overtaking.
Visit our Get Streetwise website for quizzes and videos on cycling and sharing the road safely.
Take the Cycling Get Streetwise Quiz
Offences and penalties
Please note: legally speaking a bicycle is a vehicle, so all road laws that apply to vehicles apply to cyclists as well, unless they are expressly excluded.
Cyclists share the same rights and responsibilities as drivers and must obey the road rules. The following penalties apply to cyclists specifically.
Cyclist offences | Infringement |
Cyclist offencesNot wearing a helmet | Infringement$50 |
Cyclist offencesFailure to have at least one effective brake and working warning device | Infringement$100 |
Cyclist offencesFailure to have correct lighting | Infringement$100 |
Cyclist offencesFailure to ride only two abreast with up to 1.5m between riders. | Infringement$50 |
Cyclist offencesRiding less than 2m behind a vehicle | Infringement$100 |
Cyclist offencesPassing on the left of a vehicle that is turning left | Infringement$100 |
eBike rules overview
The major rules that apply to eBikes are:
- Riders must be 16 years or older to use an eBike with its motor engaged.
- The motor can have a maximum power output up to 250 watts.
- The bike needs human power to make it move - it is not meant to be ridden using the motor alone (like a motorcycle).
- The road rules applying to regular bicycle riders also apply to eBike riders.
Not all electric bicycles sold in WA are legal to ride on WA roads and paths. Always check before you buy. eBikes that don’t meet the requirements for power assisted pedal cycles cannot be legally used on WA roads or paths.
Which eBikes are ALLOWED on WA roads and paths?
Only eBikes that fit within the definition of a ‘power assisted pedal cycle’ are allowed to be used on roads and paths. These are bikes designed to be moved using human power with some assistance from a motor.
Two different rules apply to the power output of legal eBikes:
- It can have an electric motor of up to 250 watts if it complies with European Standard EN 15194 (a Pedalec).
- If it is not a Pedalec, it can have a petrol or electric motor up to 200 watts.
If an eBike has more than one motor, the limit applies to the total power output of all motors.
On Pedalecs, the power assistance will cut out once a speed of 25km/h is reached.
To see if a bike is a Pedalec, look for a sticker indicating that it complies with the European Standard EN 15194. This is an easy way to make sure that your eBike is allowed to be ridden legally on WA roads and paths.
Which eBikes are NOT allowed on WA roads and paths?
eBikes that don’t meet the definition of a power assisted pedal cycle are not allowed to be ridden on WA roads or paths. This includes any bike that:
- Is mostly designed to be ‘driven’ by the motor instead of using human power.
- Can be ridden using a throttle alone (no human power).
- Has a motor or motors with a power output higher than 250 watts.
Non-compliant eBikes are considered to be unlicensed motor vehicles under the law. If your eBike doesn’t meet the rules, it may be seized and disposed of by police. You may also be fined $500.
eBikes are not considered to be eRideables (electric rideable devices such as scooters, skateboards etc). eRideables have their own set of rules, which can be found on our eRideables page.
What are the road rules for riding eBikes on roads and paths?
People riding legal eBikes are generally subject to the same rules as bicycle riders (with the exception that you must be at least 16 years old to ride an eBike with the motor engaged). The rules are listed at the top of this page.
Relevant Legislation - eBikes
Show moreRoad Traffic Code 2000
Power assisted pedal cycles (legal eBikes) are included in the definition of ‘bicycle’ in regulation 3 of the Road Traffic Code 2000, therefore all road rules applicable to cyclists also apply to eBikes.
bicycle means a vehicle with 2 or more wheels that is built to be propelled by human power through a belt, chain or gears (whether or not it has an auxiliary motor) and —
(a) includes a pedicab, penny-farthing, tricycle and power assisted pedal cycle; but
(b) does not include a wheelchair, wheeled recreational device, wheeled toy, any vehicle (other than a power assisted pedal cycle) with an auxiliary motor capable of generating a power output over 200 watts (whether or not the motor is operating), or an electric rideable device;
In addition, regulation 228 prohibits people under the age of 16 years riding eBikes with the power assistance engaged.
Road Traffic Administration Act 2008
Section 4 of the Road Traffic Administration Act 2008 defines power assisted pedal cycle to mean a vehicle —
- designed to be propelled through a mechanism operated solely by human power; and
- to which is attached one or more auxiliary propulsion motors having a combined maximum output not exceeding the amount of power prescribed for the purposes of this definition.
Road Traffic (Administration) Regulations 2014
Regulation 4 of the Road Traffic (Administration) Regulations 2014 prescribes the amount of power for the purposes of the definition in the Road Traffic Administration Act 2008. It states:
(1) In this regulation — Pedalec means a vehicle that meets the standard of the European Committee for Standardization entitled EN 15194:2009 or EN 15194:2009+A1:2011 Cycles — Electrically power assisted cycles — EPAC Bicycles.
(2) For the definition of power assisted pedal cycle in section 4, the amount of power is —
(a) for a Pedalec — 250 W; and
(b) for any other kind of power assisted pedal cycle — 200 W