Appointment to a board or committee does not mean the person is entitled to remuneration. It is based on the need to provide appropriate remuneration relevant to the roles performed, while effectively managing costs to government.
The process for remunerating board and committee members is dependent on the following:
- authority to pay board members
- legislative and government policy relating to determining and paying remuneration.
Eligibility for remuneration
Show moreFull-time public sector employees may not be eligible for payment.
Part-time public sector employees may be eligible for payment, if it can be demonstrated to the relevant Minister that:
- work for the board or committee is performed in the employee's own time
- any potential conflicts of interest will be appropriately managed.
For further information on eligibility requirements, see the State Government Boards and Committees - Premier's Circular 2023/02.
Process for seeking remuneration recommendations from the Public Sector Commissioner
Show moreTo determine appropriate remuneration, the responsible Minister must write a formal request to the Commissioner, which is required for both existing and newly created boards and committees. This checklist details the information required to be submitted. Completed submissions and the checklist can be emailed to
The Commissioner's remuneration and allowances recommendations are provided to Ministers who, under legislation, are required to either determine or consider the rates. Recommendations provided on an advisory basis under the legislation are determined by the Ministers.
Under the Premier's circular, the rate of any fee is determined by the relevant Minister as recommended by the Commissioner.
Assessment considerations
Show moreThe process for determining remuneration rates depends on a number of factors and takes into account a Framework, used as a benchmarking tool.
The process for determining remuneration rates takes into account a Framework and depends on the:
- reasons the board or committee was created
- authority for creation of the board or committee (relevant legislative provisions, Cabinet or Ministerial endorsement)
- terms of reference and functions of the board or committee
- roles, duties and responsibilities of the members, including additional responsibilities of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson (if applicable)
- any specific membership requirements, for example, whether specific qualifications or experience is desired or essential
- expected workload, including frequency and duration of meetings, and any additional work requirements for members outside of meetings
- travelling requirements (if applicable)
- in the case of trading enterprises, assessments also include the level of turnover or assets
- government policy and any other requirements or obligations relevant to remuneration and reimbursements
- the role and nature of the board (for example, Governing, Regulatory or Advisory)
- impacts on the State (if applicable)
- the ability to attract and retain members
- avoidance of setting unwanted precedents.
If additional information is required to make an assessment, the Commissioner (or a representative) may seek this from the relevant agency.
Reimbursement of travel expenses
Show moreMembers of government boards and committees (as defined by State Government Boards and Committees - Premier's Circular 2023/02) may be entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses either under legislation or a determination from the Public Sector Commissioner or relevant Minister.
Members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred to travel between their residence or usual place of business and the place where a board/committee meeting is being held or where other official business is being performed.
Reimbursement is based on the most economical means of transport available.
Where a privately owned vehicle is used, reimbursement is paid at the current cents per kilometre rate set by the Australian Taxation Office. Reimbursement is for the shortest practicable route and is payable provided the round trip is longer than 50 kilometres or longer than 25 kilometres if travelling to and from the nearest airport, train station or coach terminal from the member’s residence or usual place of business.
Where use of a private vehicle is not possible or economical, members are entitled to reimbursement of taxi or rideshare fares necessarily incurred for these trips.
Parking fees necessarily incurred are reimbursed on production of receipts.
Where a scheduled commercial air service could have been used in place of a private vehicle, the motor vehicle allowance paid must not exceed the cost of the commercial airfare.
Necessary air, rail and coach travel is reimbursed on production of receipts.
For air travel, members act in accordance with Premier's Circular 2021/02: Guidelines for official air travel by Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and Government Officers and this process.
Reimbursement for accommodation and meals, reasonably and necessarily incurred on official business, is paid up to Public Service Award rates on production of receipts.
Members are not eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred when acting as a representative of another body.
Members are not entitled to payment for travel time.
Enquiries and more information
Show moreFor further information and enquiries regarding:
- eligibility of members to receive remuneration, membership of Boards and Committees and policy application regarding the State Government Boards and Committees - Premier's Circular 2023/02, email the Department of Premier and Cabinet
- remuneration applicable to government Boards and Committees, email the Public Sector Commission.
Nominations to be on Government Boards and Committees
Show moreIf you would like to be considered for membership on a board or committee, submit your resume and details on the OnBoard WA portal.
Registration to OnBoard WA does not automatically guarantee that you will be selected for a board or committee position.
For further information, email the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.