Integrity promotion resources for agencies

Strengthening an integrity mindset in the government sector
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The Public Sector Commission has developed materials to help public authorities promote an integrity mindset in their workplace.

1. Animated video

The Public Sector Commissioner calls on you to be an integrity leader

In this animated video, the Public Sector Commissioner Sharyn O’Neill talks about why integrity in the public sector may seem hard, and what we can each do about it.

Watch it now and consider how it can be used in your authority to think about integrity in a new way.

2. It’s all in a day’s work posters

To reinforce the integrity risks of being offered or accepting gifts, benefits or hospitality, a simple message is shared: our reward is a job well done because for us it’s all in a day’s work.

There are 2 poster options, both available in A3 and A4:

  • For staff encouraging them to be ready to do the right thing if they are offered a gift and follow their authority’s policy on managing gifts, benefits and hospitality. These can displayed in offices and on intranets
  • For consultants, contractors and government service providers reminding them it is simpler not to offer public officers gifts, benefits or hospitality. These can be displayed in public areas, meeting areas, and where appropriate in information packs sent to contracted companies.

If you would like to customise the messages for your authority, please email the Commission’s Strategic Communications team.

For any questions about managing the risks of gifts, benefits and hospitality, email Integrity Promotion and Review or telephone the Integrity Advisory Service on 6552 8888.

3. Code of Conduct SuperCrew

The SuperCrew was created to help engage staff with their agency codes of conduct.

The are 4 SuperCrew characters, mild mannered public servants but who have special ‘powers’ aligned with one of the 4 standards of the Public Sector Code of Ethics:

  1. Integrity – Meet Carson

    Not only does Carson always act honestly and seek out the truth but he possesses the strongest moral compass. This force is so powerful he’s known as Captain Compass.

  2. Impartiality – Meet Xavia

    Xavia is so good at seeing straight through any potential conflicts, risks or biases that might affect them or their team’s work, that they’re known around the office as Optix.

  3. Respect for others – Meet Erandathi

    Erandathi is so good at ‘reaching out’ and ensuring people feel included and welcome that she’s known at work as Lady Elastica.

  4. Trust and accountability – Meet Ralph

    Ralph is so meticulous in his record keeping that he’s known as Mr Invisible – because he simply couldn’t be more transparent (in his decision making).

Make your code of conduct more memorable for your staff by using these resources in your integrity education and communications:

The 4 SuperCrew characters are easily adaptable and can be used by public authorities outside of the public sector. 

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