Elder Abuse: OPA information

The Office of the Public Advocate protects adults with a decision-making disability from abuse, exploitation and neglect. This includes people over the age of 65 who can be vulnerable to elder abuse.
Last updated:

What we do

In addition to its core functions of advocacy, investigation and guardianship services, the Office of the Public Advocate uses a range of strategies aimed at preventing elder abuse.  These include the provision of information, advice and education via the website, a suite of publications, community education sessions and the Telephone Advisory Service.

The Office of the Public Advocate is a member of the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Western Australia (APEA: WA); an alliance of government, non-government and voluntary organisations.  APEA: WA works collaboratively to raise awareness of the issues surrounding elder abuse and facilitates Elder Abuse policy development in Western Australia.

Who can help


Advocare is the independent Peak Body for seniors in WA, offering free, confidential and unbiased services.  People over 65 years of age, who still have capacity to make their own decisions and who have concerns about potential abuse, can contact:

Elder Rights WA

Elder Rights WA is a holistic legal service for seniors, based in the Civil Law Division of Legal Aid WA.  The Elder Rights WA factsheet(link is external) includes useful information or you can contact:

The Department of Communities

The Department of Communities collaborates with a range of key stakeholders to deliver elder abuse support services to Western Australians.   

The Elder abuse support services and resources webpage contains useful information, links and contacts.

Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Western Australia

The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse(link is external) website has information about elder abuse, including the Elder Abuse Protocol(link is external) to help agencies make appropriate referrals when elder abuse is alleged.

Department of Health

The Department of Health website(link is external) has online information and guidelines(link is external) to assist health professionals respond to elder abuse and ensure health services support older people at risk.

Elder Abuse Prevention

If completed correctly and used to appoint an appropriate person, enduring powers of attorney and enduring powers of guardianship can be powerful tools in protecting people from elder abuse.

Download an Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Guardianship Kit from our publications page.

The Office of the Public Advocate provides information sessions for community members and service providers about how to complete these documents.

Community Information Sessions

These sessions provide information surrounding enduring powers of attorney and guardianship, enabling adults to appoint a trusted person to step in and make decisions on their behalf, if they lose decision-making capacity.  Session topics include:

  • The importance of nominating a person or people you know well and trust
  • How to ensure the documents are completed and witnessed correctly, so they stand up to any scrutiny in the future.
  • Ideas on the distribution and storage of the documents, so they are readily available if/when they are needed.
  • Guidance on how to revoke the documents.

Bookings are essential. For more information visit the Events, Seminars and Training page.

Service Provider Information Sessions

These sessions educate professionals on the proper operation of enduring powers of attorney and guardianship so they can assist people who are considering completing them and recognise when the documents are not working in someone’s best interests. Session topics include:

  • The correct completion and witnessing of the documents.
  • Suggestions on how to work with enduring guardians and attorneys.
  • How and when it might be necessary to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal.
  • Relevant contact points and sources of information to refer clients to.

Bookings are essential. For more information visit the Events, Seminars and Training page.

Service providers are encouraged to take action if they believe someone is experiencing possible abuse, exploitation or neglect – whether it be by a person who has been appointed under one of these documents or someone else in the person's life.

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