To achieve this, it is sometimes necessary to make use of the legal skills and knowledge available in the wider legal community of Western Australia, by instructing independent barristers to appear in Court on behalf of the ODPP.
To do this, the ODPP maintains a Brief Out list of approved Counsel. We will select appropriate and available Counsel from this list to conduct trials in the Supreme, District and Children’s Courts of WA.
The establishment and maintenance of a Brief Out List which is based on good information about the particular skills, knowledge and experience of each counsel is an important part of that commitment to excellence.
Application process
To apply for inclusion on the ODPP’s Brief Out list, please complete the Expression of Interest online form.
The information provided will be treated with strict confidence and in response to the enquiries contained in this expression of interest form will assist with ensuring that counsel are more than able to prosecute the complexities of each case they are briefed.
If you require any further information please contact us via email on sends email).