Types of appeal - Other

Types of appeal - Other
Last updated:

Other matters which can be appealed

Appeals can be lodged against:

Who can appeal

Only the licensee/applicant can appeal decisions on controlled waste licences.

Only the brand owner can appeal the rejection or cancellation of action plans for used packaging materials.

Time limit on lodging an appeal

Appeals in respect of controlled waste licences must be received within 21 days of the date of notification or date of refusal.

Appeals in respect of action plans for used packaging materials must be received within 21 days of the date the notice is served.

Appeal fee

A fee of $50 applies to appeals on both controlled waste licences and used packaging action plans. 

If you are in financial hardship, you may request a refund or waiver of some or all of the appeal fee from the Minister for Environment. A request for a reduction, waiver or refund can be emailed to admin@appeals convenor.wa.gov.au. It should be addressed to the Minister and should set out the reasons justifying the request (for example, the appellant has insufficient resources). 

Effect of lodging appeal

For both controlled waste licences and action plans for used packaging materials, the original decision continues to have effect until the Minister makes a decision on the appeal.

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