Planning a Memorial

A memorial plays an important role for those left behind and future generations to come.
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It is a place of focus. A place to reflect. A place to visit. A fitting tribute and a site of import for future generations.

A memorial should be genuinely special. Whether a big plaque or a small plaque, a seat, a tree, a rock; the range of memorials available at metropolitan cemeteries is as diverse as the community for whom memorial gardens are established to serve.

An enormous team of gardeners lovingly tend acres and acres of gardens; all with their purpose of providing respectful and splendid locales for commemoration .

The range of memorials available at the six cemeteries operated by the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board is intentionally diverse to provide choice and is potentially overwhelming for those planning a commemoration.

In recognition of the need to find something particularly special and the fact that establishing a memorial really does require attention to be spent of the finer detail, the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board offers complimentary memorials selection appointments at all of our cemetery locations. To arrange an appointment, please contact the cemetery of choice on 1300 793 109.

Pre-purchasing your memorial is a wise decision. Memorials are extremely personalised and the range  of options is designed to cater for a wide variety of needs, wants and preferences.

Many of the memorials offered by the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board offer the ability to accommodate several family members at the one location.

The original purchase price will include the first inscription (i.e. the first commemorative plaque and set of ashes). For additional inscriptions (i.e. additional commemorations), a smaller fee is paid at the time of need. For those not selecting a memorial with the capacity to accommodate multiple family members but wishing to make arrangements for the future, we strongly advise that an adjacent position alongside the first be reserved.

Memorials selection appointments are complimentary and involve a short visit to the cemetery grounds with one of our staff members who will assist in locating a preferred memorial and will then guide you through finalising the inscription (i.e. wording) for the plaque. Prior to the appointment, many families have found visiting the cemetery or memorial park and having a wander through the grounds to be beneficial. By doing this you will be able to advise our staff of your preferences. Please contact our offices to arrange a time for a selection appointment. We recommend allowing approximately one hour for your appointment. Most families prefer to send several family members to their selection appointment and we welcome this.

It is also advisable to view the memorial options available in the comprehensive memorial guide before making an appointment.