Memorials: Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to all your questions about memorials.
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Q: What is a memorial?
A: A memorial can be many things – a plaque in the ground or on a wall, a landscaping feature such as a rose or tree or an entry in a Book of Remembrance. It serves to provide a place to remember a person and reflect on their life.

Q: Why have a memorial?
A: A memorial is a stepping-stone to the past, and to the future – it links the generations and provides a focal point for future generations to visit.

Q: Can I arrange for a memorial for someone whose ashes have been scattered or buried at another place?
A: Yes. It is not necessary for the ashes to be placed with a memorial. As well as garden memorials, it is possible for a written memorial to be included in the Book of Remembrance.

Q: How long will the memorial stay in the cemetery garden?
A: You will have the rights to the memorial for 25 years. This period may be extended for a further 25 years and beyond this, the memorial may remain in position at the discretion of the Board.

Q: Is there a place reserved for me?
A: Yes, depending on the type of memorial chosen, more than one person may be commemorated at the location and additional places can be reserved until required. In order to avoid the potential for future disappointment, families are strongly advised to consider future memorial requirements when establishing their first memorial. This will ensure that future generations can be commemorated at the same location or, as is the case with some memorials, as part of the existing memorial.

Q: Why are some memorials more expensive?
A: There are many memorial options available and prices vary considerably to suit all budgets and family needs. Some types of memorials such as plants and trees require a greater degree of ongoing maintenance and this will affect the price .Also, some memorials offer differing capacities for commemoration, different styles of plaques and different locations. These variables all influence the purchase price.

Q: Can I get a refund on my memorial?
A: The issue, transfer, protection and surrender of a Grant of Right of Burial, and which includes Grants assigned to memorials, is prescribed under the Cemeteries Act 1986 (WA). The refund of a gravesite subject to a current Grant of Right of Burial, tenure 25 years, or a memorial, is at the discretion of the Board. Customers may be entitled to a full or partial refund of the full fee paid, as considered, and determined by the Board on a case-by-case basis. For example, on written application, a partial refund for a pre-need gravesite (no interments, no headstone) or pre-need memorial (no ashes placement or commemoration) may be approved, with the calculated refund depending on the original purchase fee, less 20% non-refundable expired time, less time elapsed since purchase.

Effective from 1 March 2022, the MCB will observe a “cooling off” period of 30 days from the payment transaction whereby any ‘change of mind’ having the total amount of funds returned.  Approved refunds will be paid within 28 days of the MCB receiving a written refund application.

Q: Can I have a memorial for someone who has passed away many years ago?
A: Yes, you can create a memorial no matter how much time has passed. Our cemeteries provide many alternatives for honouring the memory of those departed regardless of the actual date of death.

Q: Under what circumstances are memorials established?
A: In many cases memorials are established for the placement of ashes. However, it is not essential for ashes to be present in order to have a memorial.

Some families opt to retain the ashes at home or scatter them at a place of significance. In these instances the physical memorial itself provides a place of focus for future generations to visit and a site of genealogical importance.  Some families opt to divide the ashes into several smaller urns and distribute them amongst family members. In these instances families often opt to place a portion of the ashes at the memorial location.

Q: Who can create a memorial?
A: When a funeral is conducted at any of the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board cemeteries, the person who is designated as the administrator of the funeral is permitted to create a memorial.

Q: Is there a time limit for creating a memorial after a funeral?
A: No. There is no time constraints associated with creating a memorial.  Some like to do it immediately following the service, and others like to take more time to consider a memorial.

Q: How do I go about establishing a memorial?
A: The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board sends memorial information to funeral administrators a few weeks after the funeral. However, you can arrange a memorial at any time by contacting our Client Services staff at Karrakatta, Pinnaroo or Fremantle. For families wishing to establish a memorial at Midland or Guildford cemeteries, initial enquiries should be directed to Pinnaroo. For those wishing to establish a memorial at Rockingham Regional Memorial Park, please contact Fremantle Cemetery.

Q: Where are memorials located in the various cemeteries?
A: There are various memorial garden locations at Karrakatta Cemetery, Fremantle Cemetery, Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Guildford Cemetery, Midland Cemetery and Rockingham Regional Memorial Park

Q: What is the MCB’s Flower and Ornament Policy?
A: The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board is committed to maintaining its cemeteries and memorial gardens to a high standard. Following an extensive community consultation exercise, a revised policy was developed in 2011.
We thank our visitors for observing the conditions described in the policy.

Whilst artificial tributes do have an environmental impact and the placement of fresh tributes is preferred, the Board recognises that many families prefer artificial tributes and, as such, their placement is respected as being an integral part of the grieving process.

When placing new tributes, we would ask that plastic wrapping be removed and withered/weathered tributes be placed within one of the rubbish bins located throughout the cemeteries.

The Flower and Ornament Policy can be viewed below. Alternatively, please contact Client Services on 1300 793 109 if you prefer to have a copy mailed to you.

Q: How can I obtain more information about memorials?
A: If you require any further information about memorials, please contact Client Services on 1300 793 109.