You can speak to staff at the Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) during office hours, 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
You can also call and leave us a message outside of these times and an Advocate will call you back you as soon as possible.
You can also send an email requesting assistance and a Mental Health Advocate will be advised to contact you as soon as possible. Mental Health Advocates do not work in the office but work with people in hospitals and in the community.
When you call us we will need to know:
- your name
- contact number
- date of birth
- where you are staying
Emergency contact
If the matter is urgent, please call the Mental Health Emergency Response Line on 1300 555 788
If you are in the country, call Rurallink on 1800 552 002.
Alternatively you may like to call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Interpreter service
Ring us (or have someone ring us) and we will arrange an interpreter.
Freecall: 1800 999 057
Phone: 08 6234 6300
Contacting us on behalf of someone else
You can contact us on behalf of someone else and MHAS staff will make arrangements for a Mental Health Advocate to contact you or the person on whose behalf you have telephoned.
Contacting us from a facility
You can contact us from the facility and we will contact you on your phone, if you have one, or on the phone at the facility.
Email us
Email us with the information below: sends email)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Telephone
- Message