
Western Australia is home to many beautiful forests and timber species that provide economic, social and environmental benefits.
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The intrinsic value of our forests to the health of the planet and its people is increasingly recognised.

Sustainable forest management (SFM) offers a holistic approach to balance the needs of social, environmental and economic sectors, and to maintain and enhance ecological functions of forest both now and into the future. SFM is recognised as part of the solution to climate change and deforestation.  

Sustainable forest management considers all of the different values of the forests and ensures they are managed for the long term.

Our State forests provide many benefits, including:

  • biodiversity values 
  • carbon storage 
  • recreation
  • protection of soils, streams and water supplies
  • cultural and historical values
  • jobs and forest products.

Independent forest certification allows forest owners and managers to demonstrate that the practices they apply in the forest today are sustainable and forests meet both current needs and those of future generations. In certified forests, native forest areas are always regenerated, and plantations are managed to maintain and enhance their environmental values.

The FPC’s operations are certified to the Responsible Wood certification scheme, specifically the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS/NZS 4708).

This standard is supported by the internationally recognised Programme for Endorsement for Forestry Certification Schemes (PEFC).

Of note, the requirements of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems are embedded within AS4708:2021, providing a robust and effective management system on top of specific forestry criteria.

Cornerstone to these systems is the Plan-Do-Check-Act model, requiring effective risk assessment, management, monitoring, evaluation, stakeholder engagement and continual improvement.

Independent certification

The FPC is certified to the:

These standards and systems ensure the FPC manages the forests to the highest possible standard and allows customers buying WA timbers to be sure they have come from independently certified forests.

These certifications are received after undergoing a rigorous auditing process of the FPC's management systems. In order to maintain certification, the FPC must also demonstrate continual improvement of our forest management systems.

Please direct any enquiries to certification@fpc.wa.gov.au(link sends email).

PEFC Chain of Custody Certification

Chain of custody certification demonstrates clear traceability of product from its source at the forest and along each step of the supply and distribution chain.

This is embedded in AS/NZS 4708, however the FPC has an additional Chain of Custody certification (PEFC 2002:2020) for its sandalwood production chain.

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