Single-use plastic promotional film

The ban on outdoor single-use plastic promotional film commenced on 1 June 2024.
Last updated:
Western Australia's Plan for Plastics web banner

The finalised scope of the ban is single-use plastic promotional film used outdoors. 

This type of plastic material is commonly used for advertising and during elections and creates a lot of single-use plastic waste. Most of this plastic is disposed of to landfill.

For clarity, forms of plastic signage that would not be banned include:

  • plastic flagging or banners
  • health and safety film demarcation
  • heavier plastics used in canvas signage, which typically have reinforcement points and are tied up with rope or cable ties
  • heavier fence mesh wraps
  • adhesive vinyl signage.

The ban commenced on 1 June 2024 with enforcement in accordance with our Compliance and Enforcement Policy.

For more information, see the single-use plastic promotional film fact sheet.

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