Minister for Water
Hon Simone McGurk BA(Arts) BA(Comms) MLA
Minister for Environment; Climate Action
Director General
Deputy Director General – Climate and Sustainability
Emily Briggs
Leads the development of Western Australia’s long term integrated vision and strategy for a sustainable future – climate action, water security, nature positive and circular economy.
Provides guidance to decision makers, sets parameters for policy setting for the long term and ensures the department is prioritising its responsibilities to First Nations Australians, while positioning itself to respond to future emerging issues.
Deputy Director General – Approvals
Chris Shaw
Leads the development of a world class approvals system that is customer and outcomes focused, risk-based, digital and efficient.
Provides confidence to all Western Australians, including First Nations Australians, that the state’s water and environmental resources are being protected and sustained into the future through transparent, integrated and inclusive impact assessment and assurance practices underpinned by the best available science and policies.
Deputy Director General – Strategy and Performance
Dennis O'Reilly
Leads the development of the department’s multi-year business strategy in partnership with the other portfolios and embeds our strategy in annual business plans that drive improvement.
Creates the business systems, policies, processes, and insights that help the department and each portfolio prioritise, make better decisions, and improve performance.
Bodies supported by the department
- Warren Donnelly Water Advisory Committee
- Geographe Catchment Council
- Carnarvon Water Allocation Advisory Committee
- Environmental Protection Authority
- Waste Authority
- Cockburn Sound Management Council
- Air Quality Coordinating Committee
- Contaminated Sites Committee
- Office of the Appeals Convenor
- Keep Australia Beautiful Council WA