Climate change in WA

The State Government is taking action to ensure Western Australia’s communities, environment and economy are resilient and continuously adapting to climate change in a forward-looking, fair and collaborative manner.
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Western Australia is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, including more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves, high-risk bushfire weather, extreme rainfall events and rising sea levels. These changes are affecting our communities, our infrastructure, our environment and water supplies, and all sectors of the state’s economy.  

Adaptation, the process of adjustment to the actual or expected effects of climate change to moderate harm or take advantage of beneficial opportunities, plays a key role in reducing exposure and vulnerability to climate change. 

Mitigation means taking action to limit further changes in the climate and can involve measures used to reduce or remove emissions.

A comprehensive response to climate change must include both measures to reduce emissions, and measures to adapt and build climate resilience. Climate adaptation and emissions reduction initiatives are both supported by the Western Australian Climate Change Policy.  

Find out more about how we are addressing adaptation and emissions reduction through our programs and initiatives.