Regulatory Reform

The Regulatory Reform team works to raise living standards in Western Australia by improving the outcomes regulatory and other economic reforms can deliver to the community.
Last updated:

The team is currently focused on supporting the Government promote a strong, competitive and diverse economy.

The Regulatory Reform team works with government agencies to identify regulatory and other economic reform opportunities, and help co-ordinate reform efforts across government. As part of our customer service offering, the Regulatory Reform team:  

  • Works with government agencies when they consider reform proposals put forward by government, private review bodies or public forums
  • Assists government agencies in developing and implementing their own economic or other regulatory reforms
  • Advises government agencies on State and National competition policy and how to make the most of competitive incentives
  • Investigates concerns business may have if government bodies compete unfairly in the market, via a Competitive neutrality complaints mechanism

This is in addition to leading reforms in some areas. For example, the Regulatory Reform team is currently undertaking a Review of the Western Australia Rail Access Regime.

Previous Projects

Between October 2015 and April 2019, Economic Policy undertook a series of regulatory mapping and reform projects.

These projects were undertaken in collaboration with government agencies, industry stakeholders and individual businesses, with a focus on regulations and interactions that business identified as challenging and burdensome.  Each project delivered: 

  • a regulatory process map to guide businesses and regulators; and
  • practical and meaningful recommendations to reduce regulatory burdens. 

The resulting recommendations and regulatory maps for the completed projects can be found in the links below.   

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