Financial Management Awareness Training

This training has been developed specifically for the ‘non-financial’ officer in the general government sector. It seeks to increase the sector’s awareness of the financial management framework, and in so doing, improve practice and behaviour.
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This training has been developed specifically for the ‘non-financial’ officer in the general government sector. It seeks to increase the sector’s awareness of the financial management framework, and in so doing, improve practice and behaviour.

Every government agency is involved with day to day processes and decisions that involve the use of public funds, ranging from the procurement of stationery and office equipment to the recruitment of staff. Sound financial management of public finances is a crucial function for any government that aims to achieve the best possible outcomes for the community whilst ensuring that Western Australia stays on a sustainable financial footing into the future.

The driver for the Financial Management Awareness Training is the Special Inquiry into Government Programs and Projects final report which found that the public sector’s understanding of, and compliance with the Financial Management Act 2006 (FMA) and its associated regulations are generally poor, with an over reliance on technical officers. The Special Inquiry recommended that ‘Treasury needs to develop a training program to enhance understanding of the provisions of the FMA and its associated regulations.’

This training is now being delivered in an eLearn format and the three modules and related case studies cover how government budgets, manages and accounts for the collection and spending of taxpayer dollars.

To obtain access, please contact

A brief overview of each module can be found below. Please note that these will be updated as legislation and policies change.

Please note that further information on Treasurer’s Instructions (TIs), including any new updates, can be found in Treasury’s Financial Administration Bookcase (FAB)


This module will provide you with information so you can confidently answer the following questions: 

  • What is the State Government’s Financial Management Framework?
  • Where can I find the Financial Management Framework?
  • Why is the Framework important?
  • What are the levels of financial targets and how are they linked?
  • What are some of the basic things I need to be aware of when budget setting?
  • What should I keep in mind when making decisions? 
  • Who are the stakeholders involved in budgeting and what are their roles and responsibilities? 


After completing this module, you will be able to confidently answer the following questions:

  • Can capital funding be moved between capital projects? 
  • What is an expense limit?
  • What are the other sources of funding when managing an agency’s budget?
  • Can recurrent and capital appropriations be interchanged?
  • Who are the stakeholders involved in budget management and what are their roles and responsibilities? and
  • What are some of the basic things you need to be aware of when managing a budget?


In this module, we will look at the budget accountability side of the Financial Management Framework, which is all about evaluating, reporting and monitoring. 

After completing this module, you will be able to confidently answer the following questions:

  • What is accountability and who are agencies accountable to?
  • What is evaluation? and
  • Where to find accountability information?