UWA QEII Specialised Activity Centre

The State Government has authorised the Western Australian Planning Commission to prepare an Improvement Scheme to guide further planning, development and use of land for the UWA-QEll Specialised Activity Centre.
Last updated:


The Western Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) State Planning Framework identifies the University of Western Australia (UWA), the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (QEII), and immediate surrounds, as part of the UWA QEII (Specialised) Activity Centre (Centre).

In 2019, planning for the Centre was agreed as a priority by the City of Perth (City) and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department).  The City had been leading preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for the Centre in collaboration with the Department and the City of Nedlands.  A range of informing studies have been completed since inception, and preparation of the PSP itself formally commenced in November 2023.

Recognising the Centre’s specialisation, and unique status in the hierarchy of activity centres, it has become apparent that planning for the Centre would benefit from a whole-of-Government, cross-agency approach.  For this reason, the State Government has determined that existing planning investigations should be centralised through an Improvement Plan and Scheme. 

An Improvement Plan for the Centre was recently approved by Government, while preparation of an Improvement Scheme is a lengthier, more comprehensive process, that will be undertaken over the next 18 to 24 months.  Significant stakeholder and community engagement will be undertaken as part of that work.


  • 28 June 2024: Improvement Plan No. 63 - UWA QEII (Specialised) Activity Centre is published in the Government Gazette, coming into effect on and from this date.
  • July onwards: The Department commences preparation of Improvement Scheme No.63 on behalf of the WAPC.

Next Steps

Extensive stakeholder and community engagement will be required for the preparation of the Improvement Scheme.  The format for these engagement opportunities will be announced as the project progresses via the consultation platform, Have Your Say, WA!. Stakeholders and the community are encouraged to participate in discussions and provide their feedback.


People wishing to participate in the process, including being advised on future consultation opportunities can register their interest. 

Ministerial Statements 

State-led planning approach to future proof the UWA-QEII precinct (15 May 2024)

State to lead planning for the future of UWA-QEll precinct (28 June 2024)