Projects - Government Architect Western Australia

The Government Architect Western Australia works across a range of major public projects of strategic significance and where community expectations of the quality of design outcomes are high.
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Recent major projects supported by GAWA include:

  • WA Museum Boola Bardip
  • ECU City Campus
  • Perth Cultural Centre Strategic Framework


METRONET is a critical infrastructure project combining major public transport investment with significant land use renewal and development opportunities.

Through the Government Architect’s membership of both the METRONET Taskforce and Station Precincts Steering Group, GAWA provides advice on the design quality of transport facilities as well as the housing options and urban design of precincts.

Metronet Alkimos Central

WA Museum Boola Bardip

From 2009-2020 GAWA supported the new Museum project, contributing to the business case and project brief, assisting with the evaluation of bids and undertaking ongoing review of the design as it underwent refinement during the delivery phase. 

image of WA Museum Boola Bardip at night

Image credit: Photographer - Michael Haluwana Aeroture 

ECU City Campus

ECU City is the centrepiece of the Perth City Deal, a collaboration between the Australian Government, the Western Australian Government, City of Perth, and Edith Cowan University.

This project demonstrates that constraints can deliver innovative solutions through a collaborative process. ECU has been an involved, informed and enlightened client, choosing to engage with the Government Architect Western Australia early, and involving us in the selection process for the design team. Through this engagement we developed an excellent relationship with both client and project team. In collaboration with ECU we set up a series of formal Design Review Panel sessions and interim meetings between the design team, the Government Architect and the City of Perth Architect – all designed to streamline the design and approvals process in a very tight timeframe. This collaboration extended to working with DevelopmentWA who are the approving authority. 

ECU City campus in the Perth CBD

Conzinc Bay, Murujuga Tourism Precinct

Through the Pilbara Development Commission, the Government Architect Western Australia has been assisting the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) with procurement advice for their proposed Murujuga Tourism Precinct (MTP). The MTP is currently in the planning and concept design phase and is considering the development of a Living Knowledge Centre and supporting accommodation in an area currently being considered for World Heritage Listing due to its outstanding cultural values. The Government Architect Western Australia will also be assisting MAC with the opportunity to have the State Design Review Panel consider this significant project.

Aboriginal art on red rock

Perth Cultural Centre Strategic Framework

GAWA has been leading a strategic planning study to identify renewal opportunities and assist government in preparing and implementing a long-term vision for the Perth Cultural Centre precinct.

Perth Cultural Centre Strategic Framework

Perth Stadium

GAWA began its role on the project in 2012 and assisted in the development of the project brief, evaluation of bids, ongoing review of design packages and negotiation of complex design issues during construction. The Perth Stadium is a testament to a skilled State project team that championed good design and implemented excellent design quality management processes.

Optus Stadium