Structure plans
These pages contain electronic versions of all structure plans approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (Commission) under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (LPS Regulations), since 19 October 2015.
A structure plan means a standard structure plan or precinct structure plan. Structure plans are a key planning instrument for the coordination of future zoning, subdivision, and development of an area of land. It can be prepared for an undeveloped locality or parcel(s) of land (greenfield or brownfield) or an established locality that is identified for intensification of development and land use (infill). A structure plan contains a set of steps, measures and controls that are necessary to guide the plan’s implementation through progressive subdivision and development of the land in its application area.
For more information please see the WA Planning Manual - Guidance for Structure Plans.
Local planning schemes
Local governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development. They do this by preparing local planning schemes and strategies.
Local planning schemes set out the way land is to be used and developed, classify areas for land use and include provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area. This is set out via scheme text and maps.
The scheme maps and texts for all local governments can be found below. The scheme maps and texts used on this website are the Department's working copies and used as an information management tool. Whilst all care has been taken to accurately portray the current Scheme provisions, no responsibility shall be taken for any omissions, or errors in this representation. Please advise the Department of any omissions or errors in its representation of the Scheme documents.
Consultation with the Department or the respective Local Government should be made to view the Minister’s approved version of the Scheme maps and/or texts, along with any subsequent amendments to these. Pursuant to section 87(4B) of the Planning and Development Act 2005, the local government that prepared or adopted a scheme or amendment is to ensure that copies of the scheme or amendment are available to the public.
The Deemed Provisions within the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 apply to all local planning schemes. All local planning schemes are to be in accordance with the Model Provisions within the Regulations. The Model Provisions, including any necessary local variations to those provisions approved by the Minister, will be incorporated in Local Planning Schemes over time as the opportunity arises, via the scheme amendment process.
The Regulations also outline the process for preparing and amending local planning schemes. In line with the Action Plan for Planning Reform, various reforms to the Regulations are taking place. More information is provided at the link above.
Changes to the Planning and Development Act 2005 have also recently taken place, in line with the Action Plan and as outlined in Part 6 of the Planning and Development Amendment Act 2020. Section 83A of the Act (PDF 116KB) was published on 12 July 2023 and will become operational on 1 August 2023.
Section 83A of the Act introduces a requirement for the Minister for Planning to decide whether or not a scheme or amendment should be advertised, and if so, in what form. The Minister may approve advertising, refuse advertising, or require modifications prior to advertising.
The intent of this reform is to provide the ability for schemes and amendments that are inconsistent with the State Planning Framework and Model Provisions in the Regulations which would not be able to be approved regardless of the outcomes of consultation, to be stopped at an early point in the process. Assessments and decisions made under Section 83A of the Act provide the opportunity to have proposals modified to better align them with the State Planning Framework and Model Provisions early in the process, prior to advertising. This will help improve the understanding of a proposal in this context and minimise the need for re-advertising of proposals following modification.
More information can be found within the fact sheet above and within the flowcharts on the Department's website.
A copy of the Regulations can be downloaded from this website or from the Parliamentary Council’s Office.
If you have any questions regarding the Local Planning Schemes data, please contact the Department.
Local government planning information pages
Local government pages are listed below in alphabetical order:
Show more- Albany, City of
- Armadale, City of
- Ashburton, Shire of
- Augusta-Margaret River, Shire of
- Bassendean, Town of
- Bayswater, City of
- Belmont, City of
- Beverley, Shire of
- Boddington, Shire of
- Boyup Brook, Shire of
- Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Shire of
- Brookton, Shire of
- Broome, Shire of
- Broomehill-Tambellup
- Bruce Rock, Shire of
- Bunbury, City of
- Busselton, City of
- Cambridge, Town of
- Canning, City of
- Capel, Shire of
- Carnamah, Shire of
- Carnarvon, Shire of
- Chapman Valley, Shire of
- Chittering, Shire of
- Christmas Island, Shire of
- Claremont, Town of
- Cockburn, City of
- Cocos (Keeling) Island, Shire of
- Collie, Shire of
- Coolgardie, Shire of
- Coorow, Shire of
- Corrigin, Shire of
- Cottesloe, Town of
- Cranbrook, Shire of
- Cuballing, Shire of
- Cue, Shire of
- Cunderdin, Shire of
D - F
Show moreL - M
Show more- Lake Grace, Shire of
- Laverton, Shire of
- Leonora, Shire of
- Mandurah, City of
- Manjimup, Shire of
- Meekatharra, Shire of
- Melville, City of
- Menzies, Shire of
- Merredin, Shire of
- Mingenew, Shire of
- Moora, Shire of
- Morawa, Shire of
- Mosman Park, Town of
- Mount Magnet, Shire of
- Mount Marshall, Shire of
- Mukinbudin, Shire of
- Mundaring, Shire of
- Murchison, Shire of
- Murray, Shire of
N - Q
Show more- Nannup, Shire of
- Narembeen, Shire of
- Narrogin, Shire of
- Nedlands, City of
- Ngaanyatjarraku, Shire of
- Northam, Shire of
- Northampton, Shire of
- Nungarin, Shire of
- Peppermint Grove, Shire of
- Perenjori, Shire of
- Perth, City of
- Pingelly, Shire of
- Plantagenet, Shire of
- Port Hedland, Town of
- Quairading, Shire of
R - V
Show more- Ravensthorpe, Shire of
- Rockingham, City of
- Sandstone, Shire of
- Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Shire of
- Shark Bay, Shire of
- South Perth, City of
- Stirling, City of
- Subiaco, City of
- Swan, City of
- Tammin, Shire of
- Three Springs, Shire of
- Toodyay, Shire of
- Trayning, Shire of
- Upper Gascoyne, Shire of
- Victoria Park, Town of
- Victoria Plains, Shire of
- Vincent, City of
Show more- Wagin, Shire of
- Wandering, Shire of
- Wanneroo, City of
- Waroona, Shire of
- West Arthur, Shire of
- Westonia, Shire of
- Wickepin, Shire of
- Williams, Shire of
- Wiluna, Shire of
- Wongan-Ballidu, Shire of
- Woodanilling, Shire of
- Wyalkatchem, Shire of
- Wyndham-East Kimberley, Shire of
- Yalgoo, Shire of
- Yilgarn, Shire of
- York, Shire of