Future of Fremantle Place and Economic Vision

With planning underway to relocate Perth’s container port to Kwinana, the Future of Fremantle Place and Economic Vision proposes transformational, long-term redevelopment of the Fremantle | Walyalup harbour precinct.
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Future of Fremantle1

Image for illustrative purposes only.

Fremantle | Walyalup is located on Whadjuk Country and we acknowledge the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land and waterways. 

A long-term visionary plan to transform Fremantle Port into one the world’s great waterfront cities has been endorsed by the Western Australian Government.

This bold and ambitious vision for the future redevelopment of Fremantle’s harbour precinct would transform the area into a globally significant, city-scale development once trades have relocated.

The Future of Fremantle Place and Economic Vision builds on Fremantle’s unique identity, proposing culturally vibrant urban spaces with strong connections to more than 10 kilometres of ocean and river frontage.

The Vision proposes that Fremantle would become a larger, more globally significant coastal city, and has the capacity to deliver:

  • an additional 45,000 jobs
  • 20,000 new and diverse homes
  • 55,000 new residents
  • additional $13.6 billion in Gross State Product annually.

The implementation of this Vision will promote sustainable urban living through walkable, well-connected streets and strong links between Fremantle and its waterfront. A diverse range of homes, designed to meet the needs of the growing community, will be supported by infrastructure and extensive parklands and green spaces. 

Residents will have the opportunity to live close to thousands of jobs across various thriving industries in Fremantle, including tourism, culture and the arts, maritime industries, education, and research.

Extensive engagement over 12 months, involving more than 1,000 people from community, industry and government, helped to inform the vision, with a focus on reaching a broad cross section of community including Aboriginal and young people.

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