Public sector workplace health, safety and injury management news and events

Announcements about workplace health, safety and injury management in the public sector.
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Find out what is happening in public sector health, safety and injury management, including information about events, latest releases and invitations to provide feedback.

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Safe Work Month - Stay tuned

National Safe Work Month 2023 materials(link is external).

Subscribe(link is external) to WorkSafe WA's safety email alert service to receive the latest news about publications, safety alerts, events and legislative reform for WA workplaces. Safety news alerts are typically sent mid-week. 

WHS Excellence Awards

2023 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards winners and finalists(link is external).

These awards recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia.

For the purpose of these awards, "innovation" is broadly defined as either a new initiative or an original solution to a specific health and safety problem.

Community of practice events 2024

Public Sector Work Health and Safety 2024

A Community of Practice event for public sector WHS professionals

Register now, limited seats available.

The inter-agency Community of Practice for WHS and Injury Management in the Public Sector focuses on agencies working together and learning from each other by providing a platform for sharing information and resources, exchanging practices, and trialling new ideas. The event brings together public sector staff with WHS responsibilities to share expertise and work towards achieving public sector WHS objectives.

Topics will include Public Sector Annual WHS Reporting – Proposed changes, Accessing Workers’ Compensation Claims data for agency WHS benchmarking and reporting and Occupational violence and aggression.

Date: Thursday, 8 August 2024

Time:   8.30 am – 12.30 pm

Venue:   Technology Park Bentley, Global Streaming Centre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley

How to register

  1. Although there is no registration fee, pre-registration is essential to reserve your seat.
  2. Registration(link is external) must be completed online. 
  3. If you register and subsequently are not able to attend, please advise sends email) as soon as possible. 

Watch this space. Indicate your interest by contacting sends email) 

Stay up-to-date with a WorkSafe WA subscription

Subscribe(link is external) to WorkSafe WA's safety email alert service to receive the latest news about publications, safety alerts, events and legislative reform for WA workplaces. Safety news alerts are typically sent mid-week.

Archived news

Safe Work Month 2022 - Stay tuned

Subscribe(link is external) to WorkSafe WA's safety email alert service to receive the latest news about publications, safety alerts, events and legislative reform for WA workplaces. Safety news alerts are typically sent mid-week. 

2022 WHS Excellence Awards – registrations now closed

Submissions to the 2022 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards are now closed.

These awards recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia. 

For the purpose of these awards, “innovation” is broadly defined as either a new initiative or an original solution to a specific health and safety problem.

Community of practice event 2021

The Community of Practice event in August 2021 was facilitated by DMIRS. Held in the Mineral House Theatrette, it was a sold out event attended by over 80 public sector WHS professionals. 

Watch this space! Indicate your interest by contacting sends email) 

September 2021

Overview of Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety Act 2020

  • This Overview(link is external) is now available for workplaces.
  • It provides general guidance to help people understand their health and safety duties and rights at work.
  • The Overview will be supported by a suite of interpretive guides, currently in development, which explain specific sections of the Act.
  • Information on Health and Safety Representatives (HSR’s) can be found from page 19.

New WHS Webpages

  • Information to help you prepare for the State’s new WHS laws(link is external) is now live on the DMIRS website.
  • The new webpages are designed to assist workplaces preparing for the introduction of the legislation. Some of the topics covered include key definitions, roles and responsibilities, consultation, worker representation and key changes to enforcement.
  • The webpages are regularly updated and will include information on the WHS regulations when it becomes available.

Modernising WA’s Workers Compensation Laws

July 2021

New Director General for DMIRS
DMIRS is pleased to announce that Richard Sellers is the new Director General.  Richard Sellers commenced on 31 May 2021 and was the Director General of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. Prior to this, he held a number of senior roles in the public sector including Director General of the Department of Transport, Commissioner for Main Roads WA, CEO of the Public Transport Authority and Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum from 2009 to 2016.

New Annual Reporting requirements for 2021/22: National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management 2019-2023

WorkCover WA - Workplace Rehabilitation Providers and Principles and Standards

  • WorkCover WA has released the Workplace Rehabilitation Providers Principles and Standards of Practice(link is external)(Principles and Standards) which came into effect on 30 June 2021.
  • The new Principles and Standards set out WorkCover WA’s priorities and expectations for delivering workplace rehabilitation services and are designed to make a significant impact to workers returning to work following a workplace injury.
  • For more information call WorkCover WA’s Advice and Assistance Service: 1300 794 744.

Two New Codes of Practice: Violence and Aggression at Work; Workplace Behaviour

  • Workplace violence and inappropriate behaviour like harassment have been covered in a single OSH Code of Practice since 2014.  The WA Commission for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) determined that it is more appropriate to address the issues across two documents.
  • COSH is currently seeking public comment on the code of practice for workplace behaviour, closing 30 August 2021. This code focuses on the general principles applied to the prevention and management of inappropriate or unreasonable behaviour in the workplace. The intent of this code of practice is to provide practical guidance for workplaces where people may be exposed to various forms of inappropriate or unreasonable workplace behaviour including physical assault, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation and harassment.
  • The Violence and aggression at work code of practice(link is external) was released for feedback last year and is expected to be finalised soon.

Safe Work Australia videos to prevent MSD’s

  • Safe Work Australia have released four videos(link is external) showcasing the latest evidence and systems aimed at reducing musculoskeletal disorders
  • MSD’s are the leading cause of workers compensation claims in Australia
  • The videos cover the following subjects:
    • Closing the evidence to practice gap in MSD prevention: What do we need to do? — Associate Professor Jodi Oakman (La Trobe University).
    • Applying systems thinking to understanding MSDs — Associate Professor Sharon Newman (Monash University).
    • Derailing workplace MSD risks through systems thinking — Associate Professor Anjum Naweed (Central Queensland University).
    • Addressing sedentary behaviour: Occupational sitting — an emerging workplace health and safety issue — Associate Professor Genevieve Healy (University of Queensland).

May 2021

New online location for Public Sector WHS

Commitment statements

2021 WHS Excellence Awards

  • Do you want to recognise an outstanding contribution to work health and safety in your agency?
  • Nominations are now open for the 2021 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards(link is external).  Please visit this page for criteria, terms and conditions and general information
  • Award categories are:
    • Work health and safety invention of the year
    • Best solution to a work health and safety risk
    • Best workplace health and wellbeing initiative
    • Leadership excellence award
    • Safety and health representative of the year
  • The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific health and safety problems in Western Australian workplaces. 
  • Entries close 4 June 2021


  • The WHS Act was passed by Parliament and assented to by the Governor on 10 November 2020.
  • The WHS Act will come into operation once the supporting regulations representing general, mining and petroleum workplaces are finalised. The Government has committed to enact and implement these regulations from 1 January 2022.
  • Prior to their commencement, DMIRS will provide general guidance on the WHS laws, including transitional provisions. To keep up to date with progress, please subscribe to the Department’s newsletters(link is external)

Safe Work Month 2021

  • It’s never too early to start planning your events and activities for Safe Work Month 2021
  • Subscribe to Safe Work Australia’s mailing list(link is external) to stay up to date on themes and promotional material and they become available

2019 - Launch of DFES' OSH Commitment Statement

On Monday 21 October 2019, DFES Health and Safety Services organised a special event to formally launch the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) ‘Commitment Statement to a Healthy and Safe Workplace’. The launch was held in October to also recognise Safe Work Month.

The event was attended by the DFES Commissioner, Mr Darren Klemm AFSM and other senior leadership team members, including Deputy Commissioners, Executive Directors, Assistant Commissioners, Chief Superintendents and Superintendents, along with DFES Health & Safety Representatives and the Wellness and Injury Management Teams. Guests included Sally North, Director of Worksafe Service Industries and Specialists Directorate from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS), and United Professional Firefighters Union of Western Australia delegates. 

Hosted by the Health & Safety Services Team, the Acting Director Health & Safety Services, Matthew Watson, formally opened the event. Matthew welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their ongoing commitment to valuing and promoting a health and safety culture that both encourages and supports positive behaviours and promotes open, honest and effective consultation and collaboration. It is this commitment that will drive continual improvement and minimise injury to our people. 

Commissioner Klemm echoed this sentiment and reiterated his personal commitment to a healthy and safe workplace for DFES employees, career firefighters, volunteers, contractors and the community. Commissioner Klemm acknowledged the unique challenges created by the complex and dynamic nature of fire and emergency services roles in Western Australia. The Commissioner individually addressed each of the twelve elements within the commitment statement, and explained the importance in delivering an effective and positive reporting culture. 

Ms North welcomed the commitment by DFES leadership and the positive contribution these actions have on the wider public sector organisations. Ms North provided the audience with useful insight into the Government’s direction and increase in workplace health and safety resources. This included the announcement of 24 additional positions within DMIRS to assist with both proactive and reactive compliance.

Lastly, Station Officer Mark Papadopoff, Chairperson of the Career Fire and Rescue Service Occupational Health and Safety Committee, addressed the forum. Mr Papadopoff thanked the large contribution of DFES Health and Safety Representatives and the DFES Health and Safety Team in their commitment to collaboration, consultation and continual improvement of workplace health and safety standards over the past five years. He openly welcomed the commitment by the Corporate Executive and Senior Leadership Team. Mr Papadopoff noted the commitment to discussing health and safety at all DFES meetings and the organisation of an annual forum for Health and Safety Representatives   that would encourage much needed learning and development as well as enhanced  communication and consultation. The event concluded with an information and networking session with the DFES Health and Safety Representatives and senior management. 

2019 - Improving mental health at work for Western Australians

On 16 May 2019, Curtin University's Centre for Transformative Work Design and the WA Mental Health Commission collaboratively launched a comprehensive set of mental health support resources to help Western Australian workforce thrive at their workplaces.  

The resources, including a new website(link is external), aim to assist workplaces to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, and support employee mental health. A key component of the website is a thrive self assessment tool – which enables workplaces of all sizes to review the activities they undertake that contribute to wellness in each aspect of the framework.

The website is also a repository for existing resources by key mental health and safe work bodies around Australia and overseas – that guide organisations towards action in each area of the framework.

Workplace health and safety legislation acknowledges that employees and employers have a shared responsibility for their own health and safety. However, one in five Australians experience a mental health issue in any given year, so it is critical that workplaces know how to create environments that help employees thrive. 

Visit is external) for more information. For support, call beyondblue on 1300 224 636 for 24/7 free counselling or Lifeline in a crisis situation on 13 11 14. 

2019 - Vision for workplace safety and health in the Western Australian public sector

The State Government has outlined its vision for workplace safety and health for all staff employed by the Western Australian public sector.

The State Government’s vision is for a Western Australian public sector where:

  • workplaces are mentally and physically healthy environments with positive and consultative safety cultures
  • workplace safety, health and injury management follows leading practice principles
  • national targets for health and safety performance and injury management are achieved for the sector.

Every public sector agency has been asked to release their commitment to their employees by outlining a number of actions to promote and support workplace safety and health.

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