Achieving the vision for health, safety and injury management in public sector workplaces

The State Government's vision for workplace health, safety and injury management in the public sector.
Last updated:

The State Government has a clear vision for the Western Australian public sector where:

Meeting national targets

Our commitment to the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022.

The Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022(link is external) sets three national targets to be achieved by 2022:

  • A reduction in the number of worker fatalities due to injury of at least 20%.
  • A reduction in the incidence rate of claims resulting in one or more weeks off work of at least 30%.
  • A reduction in the incidence rate of claims for musculoskeletal disorders resulting in one or more weeks off work of at least 30%.

Public sector agencies that improve their workplace health, safety and injury management performance benefit from:

  • higher employee retention rates
  • enhanced organisational profile
  • increased employee morale
  • improved health and wellness
  • decreased absenteeism
  • reduced expenditure on and prevention of the further escalation of workers' compensation costs.

Advisory Committee

The Public Sector Safety and Injury Management Advisory Committee was established to provide strategic guidance to the Government regarding sector-wide trends and challenges and to support the public sector to deliver the Government’s vision.

The Advisory Committee includes representation from the key public sector agencies and UnionsWA, and is chaired by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.


As at July 2022, the Advisory Committee comprises the leaders of the key agencies involved in workplace health, safety and injury management, and three UnionsWA representatives:

  • Richard Sellers – Director General, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (Chair)
  • Sue Martins – Public Sector Commission
  • Chris White – WorkCover WA
  • Janice Gardner – Insurance Commission of WA
  • Andrea Manly – Mental Health Commission
  • Antony Pearson – State School Teachers Union of WA
  • Debbie Larson – Community and Public Sector Union, Civil Service Association
  • Adrian Barratt – Health Services Union

Focus of activities

The Advisory Committee identified the following key areas for attention in the WA public sector:

  • provide support to agencies to achieve compliance with new legislation
  • provide direction to agencies to finalise and publish their workplace health and safety commitment statements
  • consider the future of the existing code of practice for occupational safety and health in the Western Australian public sector
  • preventative measures to reduce psychological injuries; strategies to reduce lost time off work; and mechanisms to prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace
  • measures to identify, record and reduce prevalence of workplace assault and violence
  • approaches to capture relevant and richer data by improving sector-wide procedures for reporting hazards and incidents/accidents, including ways to bring uniformity in the nature of data capture 

Making a commitment

State Government agencies and their executive teams have responsibilities for managing their human resources, including workplace health and safety.

Agencies must comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, and other related legislation.

A committed leadership is key to promoting workplace health and safety matters, and achieving improvements in performance and injury management.

Leaders play a critical role in positively influencing workplace culture, management practices, and the experiences of their workforce. They should encourage and support effective consultation to improve health and safety outcomes in their workplaces. Visible involvement by the leadership signals the importance of being safe and healthy at work, and encourages workers to engage in positive practices.

All public sector leaders are expected to make a public commitment by outlining the actions their agency is taking to promote and support workplace health and safety.

Key dates such as World Day for Health and Safety at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day in April, and National Safe Work Month in October, can be used to reiterate the agency’s commitment and promote workplace health and safety activities.

A sample statement of commitment(link is external) is available to assist agencies creating or reviewing their commitment statements.

Listed below are some useful resources on the importance of leadership to an agency's workplace culture:

Statement of commitment

A key strategy identified in the Government’s vision to help improve workplace performance is for agencies to develop and publicise their workplace health and safety commitment statements.

Agencies are encouraged to share their commitment statement with the sector by emailing it to sends email)

ChemCentre - OSH Policy Statement(link is external)

Commissioner for Children and Young People (CCYP) Western Australia - Statement of commitment

Corruption and Crime Commission - Chief Executive (CE) Commitment to a Safe and Healthy Workplace(link is external)

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions - BDCA commitment statement(link is external)

Department of Communities - Work Health and Safety Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Education - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Finance - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Fire and Emergency Services - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Health - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Health Support Services - WHS and wellbeing commitment statement 2023

Department of Justice - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage - Statement of commitment

Department of the Premier and Cabinet - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - Occupational Safety and Health commitment statement(link is external)

Department of Training and Workforce Development - Statement of commitment

Department of Treasury - OSH commitment statement(link is external)

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation - OSH commitment statement(link is external)

Economic Regulation Authority - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Forest Products Commission - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission - OSH commitment statement(link is external)

Insurance Commission of Western Australia - Occupational Safety and Health Policy(link is external)

Lotterywest - Commitment statement(link is external)

Mental Health Commission - Statement of commitment

MyLeave - Statement of commitment(link is external)

North Metropolitan TAFE - Commitment to a Safe and Healthy Workplace Statement(link is external)

Office of the Inspector of Custodial services Statement of commitment (link is external)

South Metropolitan TAFE - Statement of commitment(link is external)

State Library of Western Australia - Statement of commitment(link is external)

Transport Portfolio (Department of Transport, Main Roads, Public Transport Authority) - Commitment to work health and safety(link is external)

VenuesWest - VenuesWest commitment statement(link is external)

WA Public Sector Commission - Statement of commitment

Western Australia Police Force - OSH commitment statement(link is external)

Western Australian Meat Industry Authority - Statement of commitment(link is external)

WorkCover WA - Statement of commitment(link is external)

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