Private Administrator Training
The Public Trustee and the Office of the Public Advocate provides a three-hour seminar to assist Administrators understand what is required of them in their role. The seminar is appropriate for newly-appointed Administrators and those who require a refresher on how to prepare the annual accounts.
A catering and materials cost of $25 applies, which can be reimbursed from the Represented Person’s funds.
All seminars are held from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, in the Argyle Room, 1st Floor Public Trustee Building, 553 Hay St (corner Pier St) Perth, and attendance is also available remotely by Teams.
To secure your place, book online using the TryBooking link below.
Thursday 1 May 2025
Thursday 7 August 2025
Thursday 6 November 2025
National Wills Week
September (annually)
Wills aren’t just for Boomers – Everyone 18 Years and over needs a Will
Running for a week every September, National Wills week has one key goal in mind - to bust the myth that advance life planning can wait until retirement.
Many Australians pass away each year without a valid Will, with a staggering proportion of adults falling within the 18 to 25-year age bracket. It’s time we dispel any misconceptions that end-of-life planning is reserved for the elderly.
A common misconception among young Australians is that they don’t have enough to warrant a Will. Yet, what can easily be overlooked are hard-earned savings, unexpected insurance payouts, the value of collectable items or vehicles, and extended family estates where the young person is named a beneficiary.
If you, or a young person in your orbit, has personal assets and responsibilities, such as a car, a savings account, insurance, or even collectables, it’s time to make a valid Will.
It's time we advance ourselves, future-proof our plans, and dispel the taboo. To start your Will-making process, contact your local solicitor, Citizens Advice Bureau, or the Public Trustee.