Work camps

Work camps have been operating in Western Australia for more than 20 years. In this time thousands of prisoners have been through the program returning millions in reparation to the community.
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This work has been and is performed for non for profit community organisations, local government and federal government agencies. The works are comprised of initiatives such as tree planting and coastal regeneration, maintenance of national parks and reserves, restoring heritage sites and buildings of significant historical value, as well as a range of other community projects undertaken for not-for-profit organisations. These projects provide opportunities for eligible prisoners to improve their work skills and job readiness prior to release.

The primary objectives of the program are to:

  • provide reparation to the community by engaging offenders prisoners in constructive employment on projects that enhance community life and maintain community assets
  • enable prisoners to develop work and life skills that may increase their chances of successful re-integration into the community on release
  • encourage prisoners to develop a positive work ethic by engaging them in regular work practices and encouraging self-responsibility
  • support a graduated management regime for prisoners according to their security rating and sentence details.

While all work camps operate under the same guiding principles and towards the same outcomes for prisoners, the work camps in the more remote regions are suited to Aboriginal prisoners who often struggle to cope with imprisonment in a standard custodial environment. Work camps provide a more culturally appropriate custodial option with added benefits such as the opportunity to work on traditional lands, developing closer links with elders and being involved in reparation to their own communities.  In addition, work camps are assisting Aboriginal prisoners to remain closer to their homelands rather than serving time in a prison thousands of kilometres away. Keeping prisoners closer to their communities, families and other support services is an important part of a prisoner’s rehabilitation allowing for continued association with the land through work, recreation, and involvement in traditional activities such as hunting, fishing and cooking.

Western Australia's five work camps and their host prison are:

Roebourne Work Camp
Telephone: 61 8 9182 0183
Host Prison: Roebourne Regional Prison

Walpole Work Camp
Telephone: 61 8 9840 1411
Host Prison: Pardelup Prison Farm

Warburton Work Camp
Telephone: 61 8 8954 6058
Host Prison: Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison

Dowerin Work Camp
Telephone: 61 8 9631 1775
Host Prison: Wooroloo Prison Farm

Wyndham Work Camp
Telephone: 61 8 9161 2880
Host Prison: Broome Regional Prison

Help with a community project

If you are a community based not for profit organisation and require assistance with a community project please contact us about your project by emailing: sends email) or for more information visit Business with us

The work camps will not undertake any work that can be conducted by a specific contractor in your area but may be able to provide additional support on projects when required.

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