Banksia Hill is the only detention centre for offenders aged 10 to 17 years in WA. It accommodates young males and females from all over the State who:
- have been sentenced to a period of detention
- have been arrested and are waiting for a first Court appearance or bail determination
- are waiting for their court case if they have been denied bail, or
- are waiting to be sentenced after conviction
Visitors may be searched
Visitors may be searched when they enter prison grounds. Tough new penalties for trafficking contraband to apply from 27 June 2020.
This includes the use of drug detection dogs which are used to detect prohibited items and substances. Searches include visitors' cars in the prison car park.
Handheld devices such as metal detectors will be used to ensure that visitors are not attempting to smuggle contraband inside the prison.
The Superintendent is authorised to examine any article in the visitor’s possession, including items of clothing. Where items of clothing are required to be removed for examination, prison officers of the same sex as the visitor will perform the search, or where the visitor is a child it will be a female officer.
How to book a visit
Show moreBookings can be made by phone.
To make a booking call 9333 2215.
Parents and guardians can visit young people at any of the times listed, usually up to 4 times per week.
Friends and relatives must get written permission from the parent or guardian of the young person in custody before booking a visit. They will need to show this written permission prior to being allowed into Banksia Hill for a visit.
Visitors under 18 years must also get approval from their own parent or guardian to visit to the young person. The visitor must be accompanied by an adult who is already approved to visit that young person (ie parent, guardian or relative).
If a family is having issues and they want to avoid someone who may also visit another young person, they should tell staff so the visits can be planned.
Sometimes visiting times can be heavily booked. During these times, people from remote or regional areas may be allowed to visit instead of those who visit more regularly.
All visitors must sign a Visitor Declaration which confirms their identity. They must also be willing to have their photo taken and put on record.
In addition to face to face social visits, E-visits remain an option for young people whose family members or friends are unable to attend the Centre in person.
E-visits can be booked by calling the Centre on 9333 2215 (as per standard social visitor process).
E-visits will take place Monday to Sunday as per the visiting hours shown below.
Visiting hours
Show moreMonday:
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 12.45 pm to 1.45 pm
- 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
- 12.45 pm to 1.45 pm
- 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
- 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Visitor Code of Conduct and Dress Standards
Show moreSocial visitors are expected to dress appropriately for the prison environment to preserve the good order and security of the prison and the safety of visitors.
Read and learn more about Visitor Code of Conduct
Read and learn more about Visitor Dress Standards
The following items are to be left and receipted at the gatehouse:
- Clothing for court appearances, authorised absences and release
- Books and study materials for the purpose of education
- Appropriate photographs (ie pets and family)
- Money to the value of $20 for each occasion of a birthday or Christmas
- Money to the value of a single stereo from BHDC canteen
- Items relating to spiritual or religious believes and practices
Getting there
Show moreBanksia Hill is located near the corner of Warton and Nicholson roads in Canning Vale. Entry is off Warton Road and is accessible by bus or a combination of bus and train.
You can plan your trip using the Transperth Journey Planner or call Transperth on 13 62 13 for details.
Aboriginal visitor information
Show moreBanksia Hill Detention Centre allows for visits outside of normal visiting hours for parents/guardians from regional and remote areas. Please call 9333 2222 to arrange.
The Department of Justice recognises the importance of maintaining the prisoner’s family relationships and links with their community. For more information visit Aboriginal visitors.
Keeping in touch
Show moreYoung people at Banksia Hill Detention Centre can make phone calls to approved phone numbers at free recreation times during the day. Parents and guardians must give permission to allow calls to anyone other than themselves.
Each young person is allocated 7 free phone calls per week. Extra calls can be bought with money earned by the young person from work within the centre. Additional calls are also allowed to lawyers, youth justice officers or if there is a family crisis.
Letter writing is encouraged as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends. The address to send to is:
Young person's full name
Banksia Hill Detention Centre
Locked Bag 1512
Detainee's welfare concern
Show moreIf you have serious concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of a young person in custody, you can call 61 8 9333 2222 to request a welfare check be undertaken.
Calls to this number are for emergency purposes only.
You will be asked to provide your name, the young person's name, your relationship to the young person and the nature of and reason for your concerns.
Note: Conditions apply when releasing information regarding a detainee to a third party.
Sending money
Show moreA $20 gift can be put into the young person's account on their birthday and at Christmas. The young person can use the money in Banksia Hill Detention Centre to buy items including snacks, drinks and phone calls.
A one-off sum of money can also be put into the young person's account to help them buy items such as a stereo system to use while in the Banksia Hill Detention Centre. This money can be given as cash at the gatehouse or posted to the centre.
A money order can be sent to:
Banksia Hill Detention Centre
Locked Bag 1512
Gifts, personal items and clothes
Show moreGiving gifts to young people in the centre is discouraged as it can create jealousy which may lead to aggression among other young people.
The following items are to be left and receipted at the gatehouse:
- Clothing for court appearances, authorised absences and release
- Books and study materials for the purpose of education
- Appropriate photographs (ie pets and family)
- Money to the value of $20 for each occasion of a birthday or Christmas
- Money to the value of a single stereo from BHDC canteen
- Items relating to spiritual or religious beliefs and practices
All other items will be considered contraband and taken from the young person, unless previously authorised by staff.