Assuro is the 2022 WA Innovator of the Year Awards' Rio Tinto Growth Innovation Category winner for bank guarantees and bonds made easy.
A world-first, Assuro is the first time a bank guarantee can be obtained via a non-bank entity, breaking the banks’ stranglehold on this market and transforming the quality of service and ease of obtaining bank guarantees.
Working alongside a premium Australian bank, Assuro has revolutionised the bank guarantee industry by establishing a digital platform that enables businesses to obtain guarantees in a simple, fast and low-cost process.
Guarantee applications take minutes to complete online compared with a typical 4 to 6 week application process provided by the banks with fees that are half the cost compared with the typical retail rates charged by the major Australian banks.
The Western Australia Innovator of the Year program has showcased innovative and entrepreneurial individuals, businesses and creative minds since 2006.

WA Innovator of the Year: 2022 Winners

WA Innovator of the Year: 2022 Finalists